File: XYLANTRAP-9-MIB.mib (15087 bytes)

Imported modules


Imported symbols

xylan xylanSwitchDevice omniswitch5
omniswitch9 pizzaSwitch microSwitch
chasControlSlot chasControlState chasModuleSlot
chasModuleSubUnit chasModuleType chasPowerSupply1State
chasPowerSupply2State chasModuleOperStatus vBrdgTpFdbAddress
vLanNumber vLanAdmStatus atVLANGroupId
atVLANId atVLANAdminStatus vDupMacMac
vDupMacSlot vDupMacIntf vDupMacTime
vportSlot vportIF vportFuncType
vportFuncTypeInstance vportAdmStatus atmxServiceSlotIndex
atmxServicePortIndex atmxServiceNumber atmxServiceAdmStatus
atmxPortSlotIndex atmxPortPortIndex atmxVccSlotIndex
atmxVccPortIndex atmxVccVpi atmxVccVci
atmxVccAdmStatus atmxPortEnableILMI fddimibSMTIndex
fddimibSMTCFState frxVcControlSlotIndex frxVcControlPortIndex
frxVcControlDlci systemEventTrapNumber xylanIpAssocAddr
xylanIpAssocMac xylanIpAssocSlot xylanIpAssocIntf
xylanIpAssocDupMac xylanIpAssocDupSlot xylanIpAssocDupIntf
healthThreshDevTrapData healthThreshModTrapCount healthThreshModTrapData

Defined Values

tempAlarm9 1
A tempAlarm indicates a temperature sensor has changed its state from underThreshold(4) to overThreshold(3).

moduleChange9 2
A moduleChange trap occurs when a module is inserted or removed from the chassis.

powerEvent9 3
A powerEvent trap occurs when a power supply is inserted or removed from the chassis, or a problem condition is recognized on a power supply.

controllerEvent9 4
A controlEvent trap occurs when a chassis controller (MPM) loses or gains the state of master(3). If this is due to chassis controller being inserted or removed from the slot, a moduleChange trap will also be sent.

loginViolation9 5
A loginViolation trap occurs when a login attempt fails due to an incorrect login-id or password.

macVlanViolation9 6
A macVlanViolation trap occurs when a frame is received from a port with a VLAN ID different from the VLAN where the frame previously has received.

macDuplicatePort9 7
A macDuplicatePort trap occurs when a frame is received from a source port different from the port where the frame previously has received although they both ports belong to the same VLAN.

portLinkUpEvent9 8
A portLinkTrap occurs whenever a phy, log, or virt port is enabled.

portLinkDownEvent9 9
A portLinkTrap occurs whenever a phy, log, or virt port is disabled.

portPartitioned9 10
A portPartioned trap occurs when the physical port has transitioned thru enable/disable states faster than 10 times in the past second...indicative of a flakey cable.

portRecordMismatch9 11
A portRecordMismatch trap occurs when the specified port data is found to be diferent than the privious configuration. Typically this will be generated when a NIC of one type is swapped out for a DIFFERENT type. IE ethernet for fddi, atm for token-ring, etc...

groupChange9 14
A groupChange trap occurs whenever a group is created or deleted from the system via the UI or SNMP. The group and status code are sent as part of the variable binding. The status codes are: 1 - disable 2 - enable 3 - delete 4 - create 5 - modify (see xylan-vport MIB)

vlanChange9 15
A vlanChange trap occurs whenever a VLAN is created or deleted from the system via the UI or SNMP. The group, vlan and status code are sent as part of the variable binding. See groupChange for the status codes.

portMove9 16
A portMove trap occurs when the specified port is moved from a group/vlan or has had its configuration changed.

moduleResetReload9 17
A moduleResetReload trap occurs when the specified module has been reset or reloaded by the chassis mgr.

systemEvent9 18
A systemEvent trap occurs when a potentially fatal system error occurrs. Such as: out of FLASH/ memory space. The event type is in the var bind. A Descriptive string MAY be present. The following trap numbers are defined (see xylan-trapc.mib): 10 Unspecified log event 11 Log file full 12 Log file erased 20 Unspecified memory event 21 Memory shortage 30 Unsepcified CPU event 31 Long term CPU overload 32 Short term CPU overload 40 Unspecified ffs event 41 Attempt to write to full ffs 42 System/user directed purge 43 Removed imgs/cfgs 44 Exec file removed 45 Config file removed 46 Exec file updated 47 Config file updated 50 Unspecified chassis event 51 Module failed to init 52 Module failed to load 53 Module startup failed 54 Module failed 55 Driver failed

vlanRouteTableFull9 19
A vlanRouteTableFull trap occurs when either the IP or IPX route table is full. (discovered on insertion attempt)

sapTableFull9 20
A sapTableFull trap occurs when the IPX SAP table is found to be full on insertion.

atmSSCOPstate9 21
A atmSSCOPstate trap occurs when the signalling state for the specified physical port changes.

ilmiState9 22
A ilmiState trap occurs when the ILMI state for the specified physical port changes.

atmConnection9 23
A atmConnection trap occurs when the specified ATM Vcc is created or deleted.

atmService9 24
A atmService trap occurs when the specified ATM service is created or deleted>

dlciNew9 27
Frame-Relay Dlci Just Created

dlciDel9 28
Frame-Relay Dlci Just Deleted

dlciUp9 29
Frame-Relay Dlci Just Changed to Active

dlciDn9 30
Frame-Relay Dlci Just Changed to InActive

portManualForwardingMode9 31
A portManualForwardingMode trap occurs when the specified port is placed into manual mode forwarding as its default setting whenever the port is assigned to a Group that is participating in the IBM spanning tree algorithm.

fddiCFStateChange9 32
A fddiCFStateChange trap occurs when the specified fddi physical port changes from wrap configuration state.

duplicateIPaddress9 35
A duplicateIPaddress trap occurs whenever the switch detects a duplicate IP address.

duplicateMACaddress9 36
A duplicateMACaddress trap occurs whenever the switch detects a duplicate MAC address of one of its own router ports.

healthThresholdRising9 37
A healthThresholdRising trap occurs when at least one of the user-specified thresholds is exceeded for the first time.

healthThresholdFalling9 38
A healthThresholdFalling trap occurs when at least one of the user-specified thresholds was exceeded during the previous cycle and none of them are exceeded this cycle.

healthThresholdDevice9 39
A healthThresholdDevice trap occurs when at least one device-level threshold crossing is detected.

healthThresholdModule9 40
A healthThresholdModule trap occurs when at least one module-level threshold crossing is detected.

pnniRouteConflictPort9 50
This trap occurs when PNNI detects that a static route on the pnnixIfPortId port has been created and this port has been configured as a PNNI port. This is something that may cause misrouting in a PNNI network if the port turns out to be an Inside port.

pnniRouteConflictSamePG9 51
This trap occurs when PNNI detects that a static route on the pnnixIfPortId port has been created and this route matches (a prefix of) the Peer Group ID. This is something that may cause misrouting in a PNNI network.