File: VISM-NONAXIPOP-TRAPS-MIB.mib (64396 bytes)

Imported modules


Imported symbols

TRAP-TYPE lastSequenceNumber shelfNodeName
shelfNum moduleSlotNumber moduleTrapAlarmSeverity
functionModuleType genericTimeStamp mgAdministrativeState
mgcName mgcAssociationState mgcResolutionCommState
mgEndpointLineNumber mgEndpointChannelMap mgEndpointState
mgDomainName mgDnsResolutionType mgcResolutionName
mgcResolutionIpAddress mgcRedundancyGrpActState srcpPeerGrpTimeSinceHeartbeat
srcpPeerTimeSinceHeartbeat vismLapdIndex vismLapdDlcIndex
vismLapdDlcSapi vismLapdDlcTei vismLapdDlcLinkState
vismSessionSetNum vismSessionSetState vismSessionGrpNum
vismRudpSessionNum vismRudpSessionState vismSessionGrpState
vismTrapIntIndex1 vismTrapIntIndex2 persistentXgcpEventName
tonePlanRegionName tonePlanVersionNumber tonePlanFileName
vismLapdTrunkState vismRtpConnAlarmState vismRtpLcn
vismRtpFailReason cwAnnFileName cwAnnFileCodec
cwAnnFileStatus basis intSrvFlowStatus
rsvpSessionDestAddr rsvpResvFwdStatus rsvpResvStatus

Defined Values

mgAdministrativeStateLocked 50719
Triggered when mgAdministrativeState transitions to locked. The transition may be from unlocked to locked or from shuttingdown to locked.

mgAdministrativeStateUnlocked 50720
Triggered when mgAdministrativeState transitions from locked to unlocked.

mgAdministrativeStateShuttingDown 50721
Triggered when mgAdministrativeState transitions from unlocked to shuttingdown.

mgcAssociated 50722
Triggered when mgAssociationState transitions to associated. The transition may be from unassociated to associated or from associatedCommLoss to associated. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcUnassociated 50723
Triggered when mgAssociationState transitions to Unassociated. The transition may be from associated to Unassociated or from associatedCommLoss to Unassociated. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcAssociatedCommLoss 50724
Triggered when mgAssociationState transitions from associated to associatedCommLoss. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcCommStateActive 50725
Triggered when mgcResolutionCommState transitions from inactive to active. Indicates that an IP address of an MGC has become active. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcResolutionIndex.

mgcCommStateInactive 50726
Triggered when mgcResolutionCommState transitions from active to inactive. Indicates that an IP address of an MGC has become inactive. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcResolutionIndex.

mgEndpointCreated 50727
Triggered by creation of an endpoint. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgEndpointNumber.

mgEndpointDeleted 50728
Triggered by deletion of an endpoint. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgEndpointNumber.

mgEndpointActive 50729
Triggered when mgEndpointState transitions from failed/degraded to active. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgEndpointNumber.

mgEndpointFailed 50730
Triggered when mgEndpointState transitions from active to failed/degraded. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgEndpointNumber.

mgcAdded 50731
Indicates that an entry is added to mgcTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcDeleted 50732
Indicates that an entry is deleted from mgcTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcProtocolAdded 50733
Indicates that an entry is added to mgcProtocolTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgProtocolNumber.

mgcProtocolDeleted 50734
Indicates that an entry is deleted from mgcProtocolTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcNumber. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgProtocolNumber.

mgcResolutionAdded 50735
Indicates that an entry is added to mgcResolutionTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcResolutionIndex.

mgcResolutionDeleted 50736
Indicates that an entry is deleted from mgcResolutionTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcResolutionIndex.

peerHeartbeatLost 50737
This notification indicates that the system failed to receive a heartbeat from a specific peer. The notification is sent when srcpPeerTimeSinceHeartbeat crosses the srcpPeerHeartbeatInterval threshold. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of srcpPeerId.

peerHeartbeatDetected 50738
This notification indicates that the system detected a heartbeat from a specific peer after it had been lost. The notification is sent when srcpPeerTimeSinceHeartbeat which had exceeded the threshold, resets to 0 due to receipt of a heartbeat. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of srcpPeerId.

trapLapdAdded 50761
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismLapdEntry table.

trapLapdDeleted 50762
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismLapdEntry table.

trapSessionSetAdded 50763
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismSessionSetEntry table.

trapSessionSetDeleted 50764
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismSessionSetEntry table.

trapSessionGrpAdded 50765
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismSessionGrpEntry table.

trapSessionGrpDeleted 50766
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismSessionGrpEntry table.

trapRudpSessionAdded 50767
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismRudpSessionEntry table.

trapRudpSessionDeleted 50768
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismRudpSessionEntry table.

trapRudpSessionOos 50769
When a session loses communication with the MGC the state changes to 'oos' and sends out this trap. The severity of this trap should be minor severity.

trapRudpSessionIs 50770
When a session state changes to 'is'. This trap is sent out. the severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapRudpSessionPrimaryIs 50771
This trap is sent out when a session state is changed to 'primary-is'. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapRudpSessionActive 50772
When a 'primary-is' session in a group receives ACTIVE message from the MGC this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapSessionGrpOos 50773
When all the sessions in the group have changed to 'oos' state, the state of this group is changed to 'oos' and this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'minor', no alarm.

trapSessionGrpIs 50774
When the state of this group is changed to 'is' this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapSessionSetOos 50775
When the session set state is changed to 'oos' this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'minor', no alarm.

trapSessionSetActiveIs 50776
When the session set state is changed to 'active-is' state this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapSessionSetStandbyIs 50777
When the session set state is changed to 'standby-is' state this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapSessionSetFullIs 50778
When the session set state is changed from other state to 'full-is' state this trap will be sent out. The severity should be 'don't care', no alarm.

trapLapdDlcAdded 50779
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismLapdDlcEntry table.

trapLapdDlcDeleted 50780
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismLapdDlcEntry table.

trapLapdDlcUp 50781
Indicates that the linking state between TDM and DLC on a specific D-channel changes to up.

trapLapdDlcDown 50782
Indicates that the linking state between TDM and DLC on a specific D-channel changes to down.

persistentXgcpEventCreated 50786
Indicates that an entry is added to persistantXgcpEvents table. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of persistantXgcpEventNum. persistantXgcpEventName gives the name associated with that event num.

persistentXgcpEventDeleted 50787
Indicates that an entry is deleted from persistantXgcpEvents table. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of persistantXgcpEventNum. persistantXgcpEventName gives the name associated with that event num.

mgDomainNameAdded 50791
Indicates that an entry is added to mgDomainNameTable.

mgDomainNameDeleted 50789
Indicates that an entry is deleted from mgDomainNameTable.

vismTonePlanAdded 50798
Indicates that an entry is added to vismTonePlanTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of tonePlanIndex.

vismTonePlanDeleted 50799
Indicates that an entry is deleted from vismTonePlanTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of tonePlanIndex.

vismRtpConnAdded 50650
Indicates that an entry has been added to vismRtpConnGrpTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the vismRtpConnNum.

vismRtpConnDeleted 50651
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from vismRtpConnGrpTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the vismRtpConnNum.

vismRtpConnStateChg 50652
Indicates that the alarm state of an entry in vismRtpConnGrpTable is changed. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the vismRtpConnNum.

vismLapdTrStateIs 50653
Indicates that the Lapd Trunk State has changed to In Service. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of vismLapdTrunkNum.

vismLapdTrStateOos 50654
Indicates that the Lapd Trunk State has changed to Out of Service. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of vismLapdTrunkNum.

vismLapdTrunkAdded 50655
Indicates that a new entry has been added in the vismLapdTrunkGrpTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of vismLapdTrunkNum.

vismLapdTrunkDeleted 50656
Indicates that an existing entry has been deleted from the vismLapdTrunkGrpTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of vismLapdTrunkNum.

mgcRedundancyGrpAdded 50657
Indicates that an entry has been added in the mgcRedundancyGrptable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum and vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcRedundancyGrpDeleted 50658
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from the mgcRedudancyGrpTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum and vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcRedundancyGrpCommOk 50659
Triggered when the comm state of the MGC redundancy group transitions to commOk state. The transition will be from commLoss to CommOk when communication between the GW and the callagent is established. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum.

mgcRedundancyGrpCommLoss 50660
Triggered when the comm state of the MGC redundancy group transitions to commLoss. The transition will be from commOk to commLoss when the callagent does not respond to GW initiated messages. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum.

mgcActiveInGrp 50665
Triggered when the MGC in an MGC Redundancy Group transitions from inactive to active state. Indicates the active MGC in an MGC Redundancy group. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcInactiveInGrp 50666
Triggered when the MGC in an MGC Redundancy Group transitions from active to inactive state. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgcNumber.

mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolAdded 50661
Indicates that an entry is added to the mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgProtocolNumber.

mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolDeleted 50662
Indicates that an entry is deleted from the mgcRedundancyGrpProtocolTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The value of vismTrapIntIndex2 gives the value of mgProtocolNumber.

peerGrpHeartbeatLost 50663
This notification indicates that the system failed to receive a heartbeat from a specific peer group. The notification is sent when srcpPeerGrpTimeSinceHeartbeat crosses the srcpPeerGrpHeartbeatInterval threshold. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum.

peerGrpHeartbeatDetected 50664
This notification indicates that the system detected a heartbeat from a specific peer group after it had been lost. The notification is sent when srcpPeerGrpTimeSinceHeartbeat which had exceeded the threshold, resets to 0 due to receipt of a heartbeat. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum.

mgcRedundancyGrpParamEntryAdded 50668
Indicates that an entry has been added in the mgcRedundancyGrpParamTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The entries in the mgcRedundancyGrpParamTable are implicitly added when the first entry for that mgcRedundancyGrpNum is added into the mgcRedundancyGrpTable by the user.

mgcRedundancyGrpParamEntryDeleted 50669
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from the mgcRedundancyGrpParamTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The entries in the mgcRedundancyGrpParamTable are implicitly deleted when the last entry for that mgcRedundancyGrpNum is removed from the mgcRedundancyGrpTable by the user.

srcpPeerGrpParamEntryAdded 50670
Indicates that an entry has been added to the srcpPeerGrpParamTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The entries in the srcpPeerGrpParamTable are implicitly created when SRCP protocol is added for the Mgc Redundancy Group.

srcpPeerGrpParamEntryDeleted 50671
Indicates that an entry has been deleted from the srcpPeerGrpParamTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of mgcRedundancyGrpNum. The entries in the srcpPeerGrpParamTable are implicitly deleted when the SRCP protocol configured for the Mgc Redundancy Group is deleted.

cwAnnFileAddStarted 50674
Indicates that an attempt was made to add an entry to the announceTable. This trap will not be generated at Card reset time when all of previously configured permanent files are downloaded to bring the Card up to date. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of announceIndex.

cwAnnFileLoadComplete 50675
Indicates that an attempt to add an entry to the announceTable has been successfully completed. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of announceIndex.

cwAnnFileLoadFailed 50676
Indicates that an attempt to add an entry to the announceTable has failed. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of announceIndex.

cwAnnFileDeleted 50677
Indicates that an entry is deleted from announceTable. The value of vismTrapIntIndex1 gives the value of announceIndex.

newFlow 50672
The newFlow trap indicates that the originating system has installed a new flow in its classifier, or (when reservation authorization is in view) is prepared to install such a flow in the classifier and is requesting authorization. The objects included with the Notification may be used to read further information using the Integrated Services and RSVP MIBs. Authorization or non- authorization may be enacted by a write to the variable intSrvFlowStatus.

lostFlow 50673
The lostFlow trap indicates that the originating system has removed a flow from its classifier.