File: KVMS3-TRAP-MIB.mib (55061 bytes)

Imported modules

RFC1155-SMI RFC-1212 RFC1213-MIB

Imported symbols

Gauge enterprises TimeTicks
IpAddress Counter NetworkAddress
OBJECT-TYPE DisplayString PhysAddress

Defined Types


INTEGER imageUpgradeTftpNoSocket(1), imageUpgradeTftpConnectFailure(2), imageUpgradeTftpRequestDenied(3), imageUpgradeTftpBadPacket(4), imageUpgradeTftpOOS(5), imageUpgradeTftpTooBig(6), imageUpgradeTftpTimeout(7), imageUpgradeAlreadyInProgress(8), imageUpgradeCannotStart(9), imageUpgradeMemoryError(10), imageUpgradeTftpProtocolError(11), imageUpgradeBadType(12), imageUpgradeInvalidAppDowngrade(13), imageUpgradeChecksumError(14), imageUpgradeFlashError(15), imageUpgradeInternalError(16), imageUpgradeFileNotFound(17), imageUpgradeBadHeader(18), imageUpgradeIncompatibleHeader(19), imageUpgradeTftpXferFail(20), imageUpgradeTftpSvrNoResponse(21), imageUpgradeNetworkUnreachable(22), imageUpgradeSuccess(9999)    

INTEGER kvmIaUpgradeNoFirmwareImage(1), kvmIaUpgradeLostContact(2), kvmIaUpgradeFailedRestart(3), kvmIaUpgradeFailedVerify(4), kvmIaUpgradeSuccess(9999)    

Defined Values






This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of the user for which the trap condition occured. If the trap condition occurred as a result of activity on the local port (OSD), then the value of this object will be the following string: local port
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(3..16)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of the target user for which a trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(3..16)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the type of software image for which the trap condition occured.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the version of the new software image the appliance is being upgraded to.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the version of the software image that the appliance is currently running.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to report the results of a TFTP image upgrade.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the session for which the trap condition occurred. The value will be the name of a server if the server name is known, otherwise the value will be the connection path to a server. If the value is a connection path it will have the following format: KVM-IA i:Channel c Where i is the ID of the KVM-IA, and c is the cascade switch channel number (0 if there is no switch in the path).
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the KVM-IA for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the cascade switch for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..15)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the old name of a cascade switch whose name was changed.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..15)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the server for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..15)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the old name of a server whose name was changed.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..15)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of a file for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  DisplayString Size(0..12)  

This trap message will contain data for application specific diagnostics. It is designed in provision for diagnostic help for installation-specific problems, would require the operator to install firmware provided to isolate their particular problems and to enable the trap to report conditions. The contents will be an Avocent Application Message Packet with the address, size, and command header removed. The parameters of the message will depend on the specific problem the firmware is designed to detect and report.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  OCTET STRING Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the device for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify Warning/Alarm activity for the device on which the trap condition occurred. Alarm sets the alarm, OK indicates the condition has cleared up.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER alarm(1), ok(2)  

This object is sent in a trap to explain the Warning/Alarm condition for which the trap condition occurred. This is intended for display or logging.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to explain the reason for which a user account has been locked.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to explain the reason for which a user account has been unlocked.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the IP address for which a trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  DisplayString Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to report the result of an KVM-IA image upgrade.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

This object is sent in a trap to report the type of software image for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER boot(1), app(2)  

This object is sent in a trap to report the access mode associated with a remote virtual drive for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER readonly(1), readwrite(2)  

This object is sent in a trap to report the type associated with a remote virtual drive for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER floppy-memorykey(1), cd-dvd-rom(2), generic(3)  

This object is sent in a trap to report the results of a TFTP or ASMP image upgrade.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

fscKvmS3RebootStartedTrap 1
The appliance is in the process of rebooting. The name of the user who initiated the reboot is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName.

fscKvmS3UserLoginTrap 2
A user logged into the appliance. The name of the user who logged in is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName.

fscKvmS3UserLogoutTrap 3
A user logged out of the appliance. The name of the user who logged out is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName.

fscKvmS3VideoSessionStartedTrap 4
A video session has started. The name of the user who is connected to the session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3VideoSessionStoppedTrap 5
A video session has stoppped. The name of the user who was connected to the session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3VideoSessionTerminatedTrap 6
A video session has been terminated by another user. The name of the user who terminated the session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was terminated from the session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3LocalPortViewingStartedTrap 7
A user on the local port has started viewing a server. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3LocalPortViewingStoppedTrap 8
A user on the local port has stopped viewing a server. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3ImageUpgradeStarted 9
The appliance has started a TFTP or ASMP upgrade of an image. The name of the user who initiated the TFTP or ASMP image upgrade is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The type of image that is being upgraded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageType. The version of the image that the appliance is upgrading to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageNewVersion. The version of the image that the appliance is currently running is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageCurrentVersion.

fscKvmS3ImageUpgradeResultsTrap 10
The results of a TFTP or ASMP image upgrade.

fscKvmS3UserAddedTrap 11
A new user has been added to the local user database. The name of the user who added the new user is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the new user is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscKvmS3UserDeletedTrap 12
A user has been deleted from the local user database. The name of the user who deleted the user is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was deleted is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscKvmS3UserModifiedTrap 13
A user was modified. The name of the user who modified the user is contain in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was modified is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscKvmS3UserAuthenticationFailureTrap 14
A user failed to authenticate with the appliance. The name of the user who failed to authenticate is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName.

fscKvmS3KvmIaAddedTrap 15
An KVM-IA was added. The ID of the KVM-IA which was added is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3KvmIaRemovedTrap 16
A KVM-IA was removed. The ID of the KVM-IA which was removed is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3ServerNameChangedTrap 17
The name of a server has changed. The previous name of the server is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectOldServerName. The new name of the server is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The ID of the KVM-IA the server is attached to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3CascadeSwitchAddedTrap 18
A cascade switch was added. The name of the switch which was added is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectCascadeSwitchName. The ID of the KVM-IA the switch was added to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3CascadeSwitchRemovedTrap 19
A cascade switch was removed. The name of the switch which was removed is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectCascadeSwitchName. The ID of the KVM-IA the switch was attached to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3CascadeSwitchNameChangedTrap 20
The name of a cascade switch has changed. The previous name of the cascade switch is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectOldCascadeSwitchName. The new name of the cascade switch is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectCascadeSwitchName. The ID of the KVM-IA the switch is attached to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3ConfigurationFileLoadedTrap 21
The appliance has loaded a configuration file. The name of the user who commanded the appliance to load the configuration file is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the file that was loaded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectFileName.

fscKvmS3UserDatabaseFileLoadedTrap 22
The appliance has loaded a user database file. The name of the user who commanded the appliance to load the user database file is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the file that was loaded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectFileName.

fscKvmS3InvalidHookupDetectedTrap 23
The appliance has detected an invalid connection. This can include two KVM-IA devices on a port where one or more have a legacy KVM Switch, or some other illegal setup condition. Information about the nature of the failure is stored in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object. Note: this trap is deprecated and will not longer be sent.

fscKvmS3SubsystemUpgradeStartedTrap 24
The appliance has started a Subsystem Upgrade. This can be a download from the DModule to the Main Board, or a KVM-IA or other subsystem download from the Main Board... Information about the subsystem being updated is stored in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object. Note: this trap is deprecated and will not longer be sent.

fscKvmS3SubsystemRestartTrap 25
The appliance has completed a download and is restarting the subsystem specified in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object. Note: this trap is deprecated and will not longer be sent.

fscKvmS3FirmwareCommunicationsTrap 26
The appliance has detected communication problems in the system configuration. This can be used to indicate install problems that might result in percieved problems with the switch.

fscKvmS3NVMemoryFailureTrap 27
The Appliance has detected a memory problem, the nature of which has been described in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object.

fscKvmS3WatchdogResetTrap 28
The appliance has detected a watchdog reset condition. This indicates a catastrophic failure in the Firmware/Hardware preventing normal operation of the appliance.

fscKvmS3DiagnosticConditionTrap 29
The Appliance has detected a special condition to be trapped for diagnostics. The condition has been recorded is stored in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object.

fscKvmS3SubsystemUpgradeFailureTrap 30
The Appliance has detected a special condition resulting in a failed subsystem update. The condition has been recorded is stored in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectFirmwareCondition object. Note: this trap is deprecated and will not longer be sent.

fscKvmS3WarningConditionTrap 31
The Appliance has detected a special condition to be trapped for warning the operator. The condition indicates some parameter outside of normal operation, such as over temperature range. These are not expected to result in unusual behavior, but may be precursor to a subsequent urgent condition.

fscKvmS3UrgentConditionTrap 32
The Appliance has detected a special condition to be trapped for alerting the operator. The condition indicates some parameter outside of normal operation that is expected to result in unpredictable system behavior.

fscKvmS3UserLockedTrap 33
A user account has been locked. The IP address of the client is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectIPAddress. The name of the user who was locked is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName. The reason for which the user account has been locked is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectLockReason.

fscKvmS3UserUnlockedTrap 34
A user account has been unlocked. The IP address of the client that originated the unlock request is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectIPAddress. When the user account is unlocked by an appliance reboot or by the expiration of the lockout period (as specified in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectUnlockReason object), the IP address will be blank. The name of the user who unlocked the user is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. When the user account is unlocked by an appliance reboot or by the expiration of the lockout period (as specified in the fscKvmS3TrapObjectUnlockReason object), the name of the user will be blank. The name of the user who was unlocked is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName. The reason for which the user account has been unlocked is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUnlockReason.

fscKvmS3KvmIaImageUpgradeStarted 35
A software image upgrade has started on an KVM-IA. The name of the user who initiated the KVM-IA upgrade is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The type of software image being upgraded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTypeOfImage. The software image version the KVM-IA is upgrading to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageNewVersion. The software image version the KVM-IA is currently running is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageCurrentVersion. The name of the server connected to the KVM-IA being upgraded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The ID of the KVM-IA being upgraded is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId

fscKvmS3KvmIaImageUpgradeResultTrap 36
The result of an KVM-IA software image upgrade. The image upgrade result is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKVM-IAImageUpgradeResult. The name of the user who initiated the KVM-IA upgrade is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The type of software image the upgrade result is for is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTypeOfImage. The software image version the KVM-IA attempted to upgrade to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageNewVersion. The software image version the KVM-IA is running is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageCurrentVersion. If the software image upgrade was successful then this version will match the version reported in fscKvmS3TrapObjectImageNewVersion. The name of the server connected to the KVM-IA is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The ID of the KVM-IA the result is for is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3KvmIaRestartedTrap 37
An KVM-IA has restarted. An KVM-IA will restart after an KVM-IA image upgrade completes. The name of the server connected to the KVM-IA is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The ID of the KVM-IA that restarted is for is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaSessionStartedTrap 38
A remote Virtual Media session to a server has started. A video session to the server must have been established by the same user prior to starting the VM session. The name of the user who connected to the VM session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The ID of the KVM-IA the video session is using is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectKvmIaId.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaSessionStoppedTrap 39
A remote virtual media session to a server has stopped. The name of the user who was connected to the VM session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaSessionTerminatedTrap 40
A remote virtual media session has been terminated or preempted by another user. The name of the user who terminated or preempted the VM session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName if available. An empty string is reported if a user name is not available. A user name will not be available if the remote session was terminated or preempted from the OSCAR interface and OSCAR authentication is disabled. The name of the user who was terminated or preempted from the VM session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectTargetUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaSessionReservedTrap 41
A user established a reserved remote virtual media session. The name of the user who has established a reserved virtual media session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaSessionUnreservedTrap 42
A user established a non-reserved remote virtual media session. The name of the user who has established a non-reserved virtual media session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaDriveMapped 43
A remote virtual media drive has been mapped. The name of the user who has established the virtual media session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The type of drive that has been mapped is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectVirtualMediaDriveType. The access mode for the drive that has been mapped is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectVirtualMediaDriveAccessMode.

fscKvmS3VirtualMediaDriveUnmapped 44
A remote virtual media drive has been unmapped. The name of the user who has established the virtual media session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName. The type of drive that has been unmapped is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectVirtualMediaDriveType. The access mode for the drive that has been unmapped is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectVirtualMediaDriveAccessMode.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVirtualMediaStartedTrap 45
A user on the local port has started a virtual media session to a server. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVirtualMediaStoppedTrap 46
A user on the local port has stopped a virtual media session to a server. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVirtualMediaSessionTerminatedTrap 47
A local user virtual media session has been terminated or preempted by another user. The name of the user who terminated or preempted the VM session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName if available. An empty string is reported if a user name is not available. A user name will not be available if the remote session was terminated or preempted from the OSCAR interface and OSCAR authentication is disabled. The name of the server the local user was connected to contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVirtualMediaSessionReservedTrap 48
A local user has reserved a local virtual media session. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVirtualMediaSessionUnreservedTrap 49
A local user has unreserved a local virtual media session. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectServerName.

fscKvmS3LocalPortVideoSessionTerminatedTrap 50
A local user video session has been terminated by another user. The name of the user who terminated the session is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectUserName. The session identifier is contained in fscKvmS3TrapObjectSessionIdentifier.