File: DC-BGP-MIB.mib (390035 bytes)

Imported modules


Imported symbols

Integer32 Counter32 Gauge32
Unsigned32 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DisplayString
TruthValue RowStatus TimeStamp
NOTIFICATION-GROUP BfdSessionStatus InetAddressType
InetAddress InetPortNumber InetAddressPrefixLength

Defined Types

The representation of a BGP Identifier.
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

The representation of a BGP AFI (Address Family Identifier)
  INTEGER other(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2), l2vpn(25)  

The representation of a BGP SAFI (Sub-Address Family Identifier)
  INTEGER none(0), unicast(1), multicast(2), both(3), labeled(4), vpls(65), mplsBgpVpn(128)  

An autonomous System Number. If bgpAsSize is two-octet, the range is 0..65535. If it is four-octet, it is the full range of Unsigned32.

The size of the AS number.
  INTEGER twoOctet(1), fourOctet(2)  

The desired administrative state of an entry.
  INTEGER adminStatusUp(1), adminStatusDown(2)  

The current operational state of an entity.
  INTEGER operStatusUp(1), operStatusDown(2), operStatusGoingUp(3), operStatusGoingDown(4), operStatusActFailed(5)  

A BGP origin code.
  INTEGER originIgp(0), originEgp(1), originIncomplete(2)  

Whether to increment or decrement an MED value.
  INTEGER increment(1), decrement(2)  

The type of match carried out by the route map for this IP prefix list.
  INTEGER nlriAddr(1), sourceAddr(2), nextHopAddr(3)  

Whether the behavior is to permit or deny.
  INTEGER permit(1), deny(2)  

Whether to drop a session or just warn a parameter has been exceeded.
  INTEGER drop(1), warn(2)  

Whether this is an iBGP, confederation eBGP, or eBGP peer group.
  INTEGER ibgp(1), ebgp(2), ebgpconfed(3)  

Whether an index refers to a BGP Peer Index or an AFM index.
  INTEGER peerIndex(1), afmIndex(2)  

How to handle setting an AS-Path attribute.
  INTEGER none(0), set(1), remMatch(2), remMatchAndSet(3)  

The option used when aggregating.
  INTEGER none(1), summary(2), asSet(3), summaryAsSet(4), asAppend(5), summaryAsAppend(6)  

The status of a master join.
  INTEGER mjNotJoined(1), mjSentAddJoin(2), mjSentRegister(3), mjJoinActive(4), mjSentDelJoin(5), mjSentUnregister(6), mjJoinGone(7), mjFailedToRegister(8), mjFailingOver(9), mjFailed(10), mjNoPartner(11)  

The status of a slave join.
  INTEGER sjNotJoined(1), sjJoined(2), sjJoinActive(3), sjJoinUnreg(4), sjJoinGone(5), sjFailingOver(6), sjFailed(7)  

The current state of a connection to a BGP peer.
  INTEGER idle(1), connect(2), active(3), opensent(4), openconfirm(5), established(6)  

An event that has occurred to a connection to a BGP peer.
  INTEGER noEvent(0), start(1), stop(2), transportOpen(3), transportClosed(4), transportOpenFailed(5), transportFatalError(6), connectRetryTimer(7), holdTimer(8), keepaliverTimer(9), recvOpen(10), recvKeepAlive(11), recvUpdate(12), recvNotification(13)  

The capabilities advertised by a BGP instance.
  BITS mpIpv4Unicast(0), mpIpv4Multicast(1), mpIpv4Vpn(2), mpIpv4Label(3), mpIpv6Unicast(4), mpIpv6Multicast(5), mpIpv6Vpn(6), mpIpv6Label(7), routeRefresh(8), gracefulRestart(9), routeRefreshCisco(10), outboundRouteFilter(11), outboundRouteFilterCisco(12), fourOctetAs(13), mpL2vpnVpls(14)  

The level of restart support advertised by a peer.
  INTEGER none(1), awareOnly(2), enabled(3)  

The current status of a restarting BGP peer.
  INTEGER notRestarting(1), restartTimerRunning(2), stalePathTimerRunning(3)  

The cause of the last failure to occur to a session to a BGP peer.
  INTEGER other(1), notifySent(2), notifyRecv(3)  

The error subcode to be sent in the Cease Notification message.
  INTEGER none(0), adminShutdown(2), peerUnconfig(3), adminReset(4), configChange(6), noResource(8)  

What type of client this BGP Peer is. A client of a route reflector is a meshed client if and only if it is fully meshed with all meshed clients of that route reflector.
  INTEGER nonClient(0), client(1), meshedClient(2)  

The type of process to which a given entity is joined.
  INTEGER componentRm(1), componentNm(2), componentIpSockets(3), componentRtm(4), componentVmIpv4(5), componentBfd(6)  

The representation of a BGP Community.
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

The representation of a BGP Extended Community.
  OCTET STRING Size(8)  

How to handle adding a community attribute.
  INTEGER none(0), removeAll(1), removeSpecific(2), setSpecific(3), removeAllAndSet(4)  

Whether the route has the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Path Attribute present.
  INTEGER atomicAggregatePresent(1), atomicAggregateMissing(2)  

Type of Outbound Route Filter.
  INTEGER community(1), extCommunity(2), prefix(64)  

ORF send/receive indicator.
  INTEGER receive(1), send(2), both(3)  

Indicates the type of association (if any) to the Outbound Route Filtering protocol.
  INTEGER noAssociation(0), local(1), remote(2)  

Indicates the type of peering relationship with the peer.
  INTEGER unspecified(0), provider(1), customer(2), biLateral(3)  

Bit flags used to indicate one or more AFI/SAFI combinations.
  BITS ipv4Unicast(0), ipv4Multicast(1), ipv4MplsBgpVpn(2), ipv6Unicast(3), ipv6Multicast(4), ipv6MplsBgpVpn(5), ipv4Labeled(6), ipv6Labeled(7), l2vpnVpls(8)  

Indicates whether an NLRI is active in the routing table.
  INTEGER notTracked(1), inactive(2), active(3)  

  bgpRmEntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpRmEntAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpRmEntOperStatus BgpOperStatus
  bgpRmEntAsSize BgpAsSize
  bgpRmEntLocalAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpRmEntLocalMbrAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpRmEntLocalIdentifier BgpIdentifier
  bgpRmEntClusterId BgpIdentifier
  bgpRmEntIpv4MultiSupport TruthValue
  bgpRmEntVpnIpv4Support TruthValue
  bgpRmEntFlapDeltat Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntFlapReusemax Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntFlapReusesize Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntFlapReusearray Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntFlapFreemax Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntNoRefresh TruthValue
  bgpRmEntDefLocalPref Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntAlwaysCompMed TruthValue
  bgpRmEntAggregateMed TruthValue
  bgpRmEntDeterministicMed TruthValue
  bgpRmEntNhrJoinStatus BgpMjStatus
  bgpRmEntNhrEntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntI3JoinStatus BgpMjStatus
  bgpRmEntI3EntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntPauseThreshold Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntMaxIBgpEcmpRoutes Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntMaxEBgpEcmpRoutes Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntRestartSupported TruthValue
  bgpRmEntMaxRestartTime Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntRecoveryTime Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntRestarting TruthValue
  bgpRmEntIpv4UniFwdPrsrvd TruthValue
  bgpRmEntIpv4MultiFwdPrsrvd TruthValue
  bgpRmEntVpnIpv4FwdPrsrvd TruthValue
  bgpRmEntIpv4ArinhJoinStatus BgpSjStatus
  bgpRmEntIpv4ArinhEntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntIpv6ArinhJoinStatus BgpSjStatus
  bgpRmEntIpv6ArinhEntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntSupportIpv6 TruthValue
  bgpRmEntStrictConfed TruthValue
  bgpRmEntOrfSupported TruthValue
  bgpRmEntCiscoPrefixSupported TruthValue
  bgpRmEntSelectDeferTime Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntStalePathTime Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros TruthValue
  bgpRmEntAroRouteThreshold Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntMaxActiveAroGroups Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntNumArosInGroup Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntNumAroRoutes Counter32
  bgpRmEntPeakNumAroRoutes Counter32
  bgpRmEntClearStats TruthValue
  bgpRmEntFastExtFallover TruthValue
  bgpRmEntRemainDelayTime TimeInterval
  bgpRmEntPathAttrs Gauge32
  bgpRmEntAggSplitHorizon TruthValue
  bgpRmEntAggAdvSuppr TruthValue
  bgpRmEntUpdateGroups TruthValue
  bgpRmEntPhase3DelayTime Unsigned32
  bgpRmEntTrapOperState TruthValue

  bgpPeerIdentifier BgpIdentifier
  bgpPeerState BgpPeerStates
  bgpPeerRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpPeerAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpPeerOperStatus BgpOperStatus
  bgpPeerLocalAddrType InetAddressType
  bgpPeerLocalAddr InetAddress
  bgpPeerLocalPort InetPortNumber
  bgpPeerLocalNm Integer32
  bgpPeerRemoteAddrType InetAddressType
  bgpPeerRemoteAddr InetAddress
  bgpPeerRemotePort InetPortNumber
  bgpPeerRemoteAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPeerIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPeerConfedMember TruthValue
  bgpPeerReflectorClient BgpPeerReflectorClientType
  bgpPeerTrapEstab TruthValue
  bgpPeerTrapBackw TruthValue
  bgpPeerCapsSupport TruthValue
  bgpPeerLastError OCTET STRING
  bgpPeerLastErrorDataLen Unsigned32
  bgpPeerLastErrorData OCTET STRING
  bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime Gauge32
  bgpPeerInUpdatesElapsedTime Gauge32
  bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval Unsigned32
  bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd Unsigned32
  bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigd Unsigned32
  bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval Unsigned32
  bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertiseInterval Unsigned32
  bgpPeerHoldTime Integer32
  bgpPeerKeepAlive Integer32
  bgpPeerInUpdates Counter32
  bgpPeerOutUpdates Counter32
  bgpPeerInTotalMessages Counter32
  bgpPeerOutTotalMessages Counter32
  bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions Counter32
  bgpPeerConnectRetryCount Counter32
  bgpPeerClearCnts TruthValue
  bgpPeerConfigPeergr Unsigned32
  bgpPeerConfigIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPeerConfigRtRefresh TruthValue
  bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx Integer32
  bgpPeerConfigDropWarn BgpDropOrWarn
  bgpPeerConfigPassive TruthValue
  bgpPeerConfigOpenDelay Unsigned32
  bgpPeerConfigIdleHold Unsigned32
  bgpPeerPassword OCTET STRING
  bgpPeerTtl Integer32
  bgpPeerCheckFirstAsNum TruthValue
  bgpPeerAggrInclConfedAS TruthValue
  bgpPeerMinRouteWithdrawInterval Unsigned32
  bgpPeerStalePathTime Unsigned32
  bgpPeerCheckNextHop TruthValue
  bgpPeerLocalAddrScopeId Unsigned32
  bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries Unsigned32
  bgpPeerOrfEntryCount Counter32
  bgpPeerPeeringType BgpPeeringType
  bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo TruthValue
  bgpPeerAllowLocalAs Unsigned32
  bgpPeerDisableSenderLoopDetect TruthValue
  bgpPeerDisableRouteRefresh TruthValue
  bgpPeerFlapStatsClearStat TruthValue
  bgpPeerFlapStatsClearMap Unsigned32
  bgpPeerLastErrorRcvd OCTET STRING
  bgpPeerLastErrorRcvdTime TimeStamp
  bgpPeerLastErrorSent OCTET STRING
  bgpPeerLastErrorSentTime TimeStamp
  bgpPeerLastState BgpPeerStates
  bgpPeerLastEvent BgpPeerEvents
  bgpPeerCapsSent BgpCapabilities
  bgpPeerCapsRcvd BgpCapabilities
  bgpPeerCapsNegotiated BgpCapabilities
  bgpPeerRstrSupport BgpPeerRestartSupport
  bgpPeerRstrFamily BgpAfiSafiBits
  bgpPeerRstrRestarting TruthValue
  bgpPeerRstrStatus BgpPeerRestartStatus
  bgpPeerRstrRemTime TimeInterval
  bgpPeerRcvdMsgElapsedTime TimeInterval
  bgpPeerIdleHoldRemTime TimeInterval
  bgpPeerRouteRefrSent Counter32
  bgpPeerRouteRefrRcvd Counter32
  bgpPeerNxtHopSlf TruthValue
  bgpPeerThirdPtyNxtHop TruthValue
  bgpPeerNxtHopPeer TruthValue
  bgpPeerTrapPrefix TruthValue
  bgpPeerConfigThreshold Unsigned32
  bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold Unsigned32
  bgpPeerSelectedLocalAddrType InetAddressType
  bgpPeerSelectedLocalAddr InetAddress
  bgpPeerSelectedLocalPort InetPortNumber
  bgpPeerSelectedRemotePort InetPortNumber
  bgpPeerBfdDesired TruthValue
  bgpPeerBfdStatus BfdSessionStatus
  bgpPeerCeaseErrorSubcode BgpCeaseErrorSubcode
  bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPeerSelectedLocalAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPeerSelectedRemoteAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPeerInPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpPeerOutPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpPeerOutPrfxesAdvertised Gauge32
  bgpPeerTrapGrHelperState TruthValue
  bgpPeerEnableAttributeDiscard TruthValue

  bgpPeerAfiSafiAfi BgpAfi
  bgpPeerAfiSafiSafi BgpSafi
  bgpPeerAfiSafiDisable TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigRtRefresh TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs Unsigned32
  bgpPeerAfiSafiDisableSndLpDetect TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiNxtHopSlf TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap Unsigned32
  bgpPeerAfiSafiSoftResetStore TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx Unsigned32
  bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigDropWarn BgpDropOrWarn
  bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix TruthValue
  bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold Unsigned32
  bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold Unsigned32
  bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxOrfEntries Unsigned32

  bgpPeerCapRcvdCode Unsigned32
  bgpPeerCapRcvdIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPeerCapRcvdValue OCTET STRING

  bgpPeerCapSentCode Unsigned32
  bgpPeerCapSentIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPeerCapSentValue OCTET STRING

  bgpPrfxCntrsAfi BgpAfi
  bgpPrfxCntrsSafi BgpSafi
  bgpPrfxInPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesAccepted Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesRejected Gauge32
  bgpPrfxOutPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpPrfxOutPrfxesAdvertised Gauge32
  bgpPrfxCntrsUserData OCTET STRING
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapped Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapSuppressed Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapHistory Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesActive Gauge32
  bgpPrfxInPrfxesDeniedByPol Gauge32
  bgpPrfxNumLocRibRoutes Gauge32

  bgpNlriPeerOrAfm BgpPeerOrAfm
  bgpNlriPeerAfmIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNlriAfi BgpAfi
  bgpNlriSafi BgpSafi
  bgpNlriPrfx InetAddress
  bgpNlriPrfxLen InetAddressPrefixLength
  bgpNlriBest TruthValue
  bgpNlriAsSize BgpAsSize
  bgpPathAttrOrigin BgpOriginCode
  bgpPathAttrNextHop InetAddress
  bgpPathAttrMultiExitDisc Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrLocalPref Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrAtomicAggregate BgpPathAttrAtomicAggPresence
  bgpPathAttrAggregatorAS BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPathAttrAggregatorAddr BgpIdentifier
  bgpPathAttrCalcLocalPref Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrOrigId BgpIdentifier
  bgpPathAttrWeight Unsigned32
  bgpFlapStatsConfig Unsigned32
  bgpFlapStatsPenalty Unsigned32
  bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt Unsigned32
  bgpFlapStatsSupprsd TruthValue
  bgpFlapStatsTimeleft Unsigned32
  bgpFlapStatsCleardamp TruthValue
  bgpFlapStatsClearstat TruthValue
  bgpNlriEcmp TruthValue
  bgpPathAttrAsPathLimAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpPathAttrAsPathLimUpper Unsigned32
  bgpNlriIsActive BgpNlriIsActiveFlag
  bgpNlriUserData OCTET STRING
  bgpNlriStale TruthValue
  bgpNlriFlapStartTime TimeStamp
  bgpNlriLinkLocalNextHop InetAddress

  bgpPathAttrUnknownType Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrUnknownValue OCTET STRING
  bgpPathAttrUnknownUserData OCTET STRING

  bgpPathAttrClusterIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrClusterValue Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrClusterUserData OCTET STRING

  bgpPathAttrCommIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrCommValue BgpCommunity
  bgpPathAttrCommUserData OCTET STRING

  bgpPathAttrExtCommIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPathAttrExtCommValue BgpExtendedCommunity
  bgpPathAttrExtCommUserData OCTET STRING

  bgpAdjRibOutAfi BgpAfi
  bgpAdjRibOutSafi BgpSafi
  bgpAdjRibOutPrfx InetAddress
  bgpAdjRibOutPrfxLen InetAddressPrefixLength
  bgpAdjRibOutAdvertStatus INTEGER
  bgpAdjRibOutLocalAggrType INTEGER
  bgpAdjRibOutAsSize BgpAsSize
  bgpAdjRibOutASPathStr OCTET STRING
  bgpAdjRibOutOrigin BgpOriginCode
  bgpAdjRibOutNextHop InetAddress
  bgpAdjRibOutMultiExitDisc Unsigned32
  bgpAdjRibOutLocalPref Unsigned32
  bgpAdjRibOutAtomicAggregate BgpPathAttrAtomicAggPresence
  bgpAdjRibOutAggregatorAS BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpAdjRibOutAggregatorAddr BgpIdentifier
  bgpAdjRibOutOrigId BgpIdentifier
  bgpAdjRibOutAsLimAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpAdjRibOutAsLimUpper Unsigned32
  bgpAdjRibOutUserData OCTET STRING
  bgpAdjRibOutEcmp TruthValue
  bgpAdjRibOutStale TruthValue
  bgpAdjRibOutLinkLocalNextHop InetAddress

  bgpRouteMapIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapNumber Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpRouteMapMaAfi BgpAfi
  bgpRouteMapMaAfiDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaSafi BgpSafi
  bgpRouteMapMaSafiDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaAs DisplayString
  bgpRouteMapMaComm DisplayString
  bgpRouteMapMaExtComm DisplayString
  bgpRouteMapMaAddr TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaNext TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaSource TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaMed Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapMaMedDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaUser TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeAs Integer32
  bgpRouteMapSeAsAct BgpAsPathAction
  bgpRouteMapSeComm DisplayString
  bgpRouteMapSeCommAct BgpCommunityAction
  bgpRouteMapSeExtComm DisplayString
  bgpRouteMapSeExtCommAct BgpCommunityAction
  bgpRouteMapSeLocPref Integer32
  bgpRouteMapSeLocPrefDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeMed Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapSeMedDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeNext InetAddress
  bgpRouteMapSeOrigin BgpOriginCode
  bgpRouteMapSeOriginDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeWeight Integer32
  bgpRouteMapSeWeightDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeFlap Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapSeUser TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapHitcnt Integer32
  bgpRouteMapClearcnt TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapUserInfo OCTET STRING
  bgpRouteMapType BgpPermitOrDeny
  bgpRouteMapContinue Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapOrfAssoc BgpOrfAssociation
  bgpRouteMapSeAsLimUpper Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapSeAsLimDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapMaOrigin BgpOriginCode
  bgpRouteMapMaOriginDef TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeMedDelta Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapSeMedDeltaTyp BgpMedDeltaType
  bgpRouteMapSeMedIgp TruthValue
  bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount Unsigned32
  bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependSize BgpAsSize
  bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependAsVals OCTET STRING
  bgpRouteMapMaAnd TruthValue

  bgpIpPreMatch BgpIpMatchType
  bgpIpPreNumber Unsigned32
  bgpIpPreRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpIpPreAfi BgpAfi
  bgpIpPreSafi BgpSafi
  bgpIpPreAddr InetAddress
  bgpIpPreLen InetAddressPrefixLength
  bgpIpPreGe Integer32
  bgpIpPreLe Integer32
  bgpIpPreType BgpPermitOrDeny

  bgpPeergrIndex Unsigned32
  bgpPeergrRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpPeergrConfig Unsigned32
  bgpPeergrArea BgpIbgpOrEbgp
  bgpPeergrAggrConfedAS TruthValue
  bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo TruthValue
  bgpPeergrAllowLocalAs Unsigned32
  bgpPeergrDisableSenderLoopDetect TruthValue
  bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf TruthValue
  bgpPeergrThirdPtyNxtHop TruthValue
  bgpPeergrNxtHopPeer TruthValue
  bgpPeergrEnableAttributeDiscard TruthValue

  bgpConfigIndex Unsigned32
  bgpConfigRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpConfigRtgrimpe Unsigned32
  bgpConfigRtgrimde Unsigned32
  bgpConfigRtgrexpe Unsigned32
  bgpConfigRtgrexde Unsigned32
  bgpConfigDefImport BgpPermitOrDeny
  bgpConfigDefExport BgpPermitOrDeny
  bgpConfigNxtHopSlf TruthValue
  bgpConfigRemove TruthValue
  bgpConfigImportMap Unsigned32
  bgpConfigExportMap Unsigned32
  bgpConfigAdvertiseMap Unsigned32
  bgpConfigNonExistMap Unsigned32
  bgpConfigBlockCondAdv TruthValue
  bgpConfigThirdPtyNxtHop TruthValue
  bgpConfigNxtHopPeer TruthValue
  bgpConfigCondAdvOn TruthValue

  bgpFlapConfigIndex Unsigned32
  bgpFlapConfigRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpFlapConfigCut Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigReuse Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigThold Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigDecayok Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigDecayng Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigTmaxok Integer32
  bgpFlapConfigTmaxng Integer32

  bgpAggrAfi BgpAfi
  bgpAggrSafi BgpSafi
  bgpAggrPrefix InetAddress
  bgpAggrPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength
  bgpAggrRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpAggrOptions BgpAggregateOptions
  bgpAggrSuppressMap Unsigned32
  bgpAggrAdvertiseMap Unsigned32
  bgpAggrAttributeMap Unsigned32
  bgpAggrPermanent TruthValue

  bgpOrfCapabilityAfi BgpAfi
  bgpOrfCapabilitySafi BgpSafi
  bgpOrfCapabilityOrfType BgpOrfType
  bgpOrfCapabilityAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpOrfCapabilitySendReceive BgpOrfSendReceive

  bgpPeerOrfCapabilityAfi BgpAfi
  bgpPeerOrfCapabilitySafi BgpSafi
  bgpPeerOrfCapabilityOrfType BgpOrfType
  bgpPeerOrfCapabilityAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpPeerOrfCapabilitySendReceive BgpOrfSendReceive

  bgpPeergrAfiSafiAfi BgpAfi
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiSafi BgpSafi
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiAllowLocalAs Unsigned32
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiDisSndLpDetect TruthValue
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiNxtHopSlf TruthValue
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault TruthValue
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap Unsigned32
  bgpPeergrAfiSafiSoftResetStore TruthValue

  bgpNlriPrefixPeerOrAfm BgpPeerOrAfm
  bgpNlriPrefixPeerAfmIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixAfi BgpAfi
  bgpNlriPrefixSafi BgpSafi
  bgpNlriPrefixPrfx InetAddress
  bgpNlriPrefixPrfxLen InetAddressPrefixLength
  bgpNlriPrefixBest TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixAsSize BgpAsSize
  bgpNlriPrefixASPathStr OCTET STRING
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrOrigin BgpOriginCode
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrNextHop InetAddress
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrMultExtDisc Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrLocalPref Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAtomicAgg BgpPathAttrAtomicAggPresence
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAggAS BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAggAddr BgpIdentifier
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrCalcLclPref Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrOrigId BgpIdentifier
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrWeight Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsConfig Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsPenalty Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsFlapcnt Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsSupprsd TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsTimeleft Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsCleardamp TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsClearstat TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixEcmp TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAsPathLimAs BgpAutonomousSystemNumber
  bgpNlriPrefixPthAttAsPthLimUpper Unsigned32
  bgpNlriPrefixIsActive BgpNlriIsActiveFlag
  bgpNlriPrefixUserData OCTET STRING
  bgpNlriPrefixStale TruthValue
  bgpNlriPrefixFlapStartTime TimeStamp
  bgpNlriPrefixLinkLocalNextHop InetAddress

  bgpRmAfmJoin Unsigned32
  bgpRmAfmRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpRmAfmAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpRmAfmOperStatus BgpOperStatus
  bgpRmAfmPartnerIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmAfmAfi BgpAfi
  bgpRmAfmSafi BgpSafi
  bgpRmAfmJoinStatus BgpMjStatus
  bgpRmAfmRestartTime Unsigned32

  bgpRmNmMasterIndex Unsigned32
  bgpRmNmJoinStatus BgpSjStatus

  bgpNmMjEntity Unsigned32
  bgpNmMjJoin Unsigned32
  bgpNmMjJoinPartner BgpComponentId
  bgpNmMjPartnerIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNmMjJoinStatus BgpMjStatus

  bgpRmArinhAfi BgpAfi
  bgpRmArinhSafi BgpSafi
  bgpRmArinhJoinStatus BgpSjStatus
  bgpRmArinhEntIndex Unsigned32

  bgpNmEntIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNmEntRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpNmEntAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpNmEntOperStatus BgpOperStatus
  bgpNmEntRmIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNmEntSckIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNmEntBfdEntityIndex Unsigned32

  bgpNmListenIndex Unsigned32
  bgpNmListenRowStatus RowStatus
  bgpNmListenAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpNmListenOperStatus BgpOperStatus
  bgpNmListenAddrType InetAddressType
  bgpNmListenAddr InetAddress
  bgpNmListenPort InetPortNumber
  bgpNmListenAcceptAll TruthValue
  bgpNmListenAddrScopeId Unsigned32

  bgpRmAfiSafiAfi BgpAfi
  bgpRmAfiSafiSafi BgpSafi
  bgpRmAfiSafiAdminStatus BgpAdminStatus
  bgpRmAfiSafiStateKept TruthValue
  bgpRmAfiSafiAfmRequired TruthValue
  bgpRmAfiSafiLocRibBlocked TruthValue
  bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive TruthValue
  bgpRmAfiSafiUserData OCTET STRING
  bgpRmAfiSafiIbgpPrefixes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiEbgpPrefixes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiRedistPrefixes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesAccepted Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesRejected Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiOutPrfxes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiOutPrfxesAdvertised Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesActive Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapped Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapSuppr Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapHistory Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiDefaultImportRule BgpPermitOrDeny
  bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesDeniedByPol Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiNumLocRibRoutes Gauge32
  bgpRmAfiSafiNextHopSafi BgpSafi

Defined Values

bgpMib 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.5.65.1
The MIB module for management of the DC-BGP product.

bgpNotifications 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpRm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpRmEntTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry in this table represents a RIB Manager entity. Only some fields in an entry can be changed while the admin status is up.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmEntEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a RIB Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a RIB Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmEntRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The row status for this RIB Manager Entity Table entry, used to create and destroy table entries.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status of this RIB Manager entity, used to activate and deactivate RM.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntOperStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current operational status of this RIB Manager entity.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntAsSize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The size of AS numbers. The semantics of this are determined as per RFC 4893. It is equivalent to the Base Scalar bgpM2AsSize. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local autonomous system number. If the bgpAsSize is twoOctet, then the range is constrained to be 0-65535. A non-mappable 4-octet AS number should only be used when all BGP speakers within the AS support 4-octet AS numbers. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. For a router not in a confederation, it is equivalent to the Base Scalar bgpM2LocalAs. For a router in a confederation, it is equivalent to the Base Scalar bgpM2ConfederationId. If bgpRmEntLocalMbrAs is not 0, then this router is in a confederation and this field contains the confederation ID for this confederation.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntLocalMbrAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local member autonomous system number. This field is only valid if the router is in a confederation. This field must be 0 if and only if the router is not in a confederation. If the bgpAsSize is twoOctet, then the range is constrained to be 0-65535. A non-mappable 4-octet AS number should only be used when all BGP speakers within the confederation support 4-octet AS numbers. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. If this field is not 0, it is equivalent to the Base Scalar bgpM2LocalAS.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntLocalIdentifier 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP Identifier of the local system. This is a generic identifier and not necessarily an IP address. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the Base Scalar bgpM2LocalIdentifier.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntClusterId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The configured Cluster-ID of the local router. A value of indicates the absence of this value. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. The RM entity will act as a route reflector if any peer is configured to be a client. If no cluster ID is explicitly configured here, the Router ID will be used. It is equivalent to the Base Scalar Route Reflector Extension entry bgpM2ClusterId.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntIpv4MultiSupport 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is TRUE if Multicast IPv4 is supported. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntVpnIpv4Support 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is TRUE if VPN-IPv4 addresses for MPLS/BGP VPNs are supported. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntFlapDeltat 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the time granularity used to perform all decay computations. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..4294967295  

bgpRmEntFlapReusemax 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the time corresponding to the last reuse list. This is the maximum value of T-hold that may be configured in the bgpFlapConfigTable table. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..65535  

bgpRmEntFlapReusesize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the number of reuse lists. This field, together with bgpRmEntFlapReusemax, fixes the time interval that each reuse list covers. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..65535  

bgpRmEntFlapReusearray 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the size of the reuse index arrays. This size determines the accuracy with which suppressed routes can be placed within the set of reuse lists when suppressed for a long time. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntFlapFreemax 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the maximum length of time for which a penalty against a route this is not available shall be remebered, across all configurations in the bgpFlapConfigTable. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntNoRefresh 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is set to TRUE to prevent automatic route refresh when a policy update has occured. This is to allow several route maps to be updated and then have one route refresh once completed. Once the route maps are updated, set this field to FALSE to send out the route refreshes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntDefLocalPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The default value used for the local preference if one is not set up through the filtering process. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntAlwaysCompMed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is set to TRUE to always compare the MULTI-EXIT-DESC route attribute in the BGP decision process, even if the routes in consideration were learned from different autonomous systems. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntAggregateMed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If FALSE, then routes will only be aggregated if they have matching MULTI-EXIT-DISC route attributes. This means that operation is in strict compliance with the specification. If TRUE, routes will be aggregated independent of their MULTI-EXIT-DISC attributes. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntDeterministicMed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is set to TRUE to enable deterministic MULTI-EXIT-DESC processing. If set to FALSE, the selection of routes by the BGP decision process is non-deterministic, because of the rules for comparing MULTI-EXIT-DESC values, and this can lead to flapping of routes. Setting this value to TRUE modifies the route selection procedure so that the BGP decision process is deterministic. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntNhrJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the NHR Interface join.
Status: obsolete Access: read-only

bgpRmEntNhrEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the NHR Interface routing stub entity. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntI3JoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the I3 join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntI3EntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the I3 Interface routing stub entity. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntPauseThreshold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The RM component can be configured to limit the amount of work that it carries out in a single cycle of the N-BASE scheduler. The component maintains a work penalty that is set to zero each time RM is scheduled, and that is incremented during lengthy calculations. If the penalty reaches the threshold, then RM pauses processing. The default value for the threshold has been chosen so that the most common UPDATE messages will be processed without pausing.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntMaxIBgpEcmpRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum number of Equal Cost BGP next-hops stored by DC-BGP for a route learnt via internal BGP. This is also the maximum number of network next-hops sent to the routing table manager by DC-BGP for such a route. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntMaxEBgpEcmpRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum number of Equal Cost BGP next-hops stored by DC-BGP for a route learnt via external BGP. This is also the maximum number of network next-hops sent to the routing table manager by DC-BGP for such a route. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntRestartSupported 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether DC-BGP RIB Manager should execute graceful restart procedures in the event of either a peer failure or its own failure. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntMaxRestartTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a graceful restart capable peer to come back after a restart. This value is used when the value advertised by the peer in its own OPEN message exceeds this threshold. This field is only used if bgpRmEntRestartSupported is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..3600  

bgpRmEntRecoveryTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The interval which DC-BGP should advertize to its peers as the estimated time (in seconds) it will take for the BGP session to be re-established after a restart. This can be used to speed up routing convergence by its peer in case the BGP speaker does not come back after a restart. Following a local restart, DC-BGP will impose an upper bound on the length of time permitted for required AFMs to restart which is equal to the value of this field. If any AFMs fail to restart within this time the decision process will commence immediately thereby overriding the timer specified by bgpRmEntSelectDeferTime. This field is also the time DC-BGP will wait for a failed stub to re-join. If the stub does not come back within this time, DC-BGP will deactivate.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..3600  

bgpRmEntRestarting 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Boolean flag used to inform DC-BGP RIB Manager whether or not it is currently restarting. The value of this field is only checked when the entity is activated. If bgpRmEntRestartSupported is set to FALSE, then bgpRmEntRestarting must also be set to FALSE. If bgpRmEntRestartSupported and bgpRmEntRestarting are both set to TRUE on activation, then BGP RIB Mananger is undergoing a graceful restart. Once the graceful restart has completed, bgpRmEntRestarting will be internal set to FALSE. If bgpRmEntRestartSupported is set to TRUE and bgpRmEntRestarting is set to FALSE at the point of activation, the activation will not attempt to recover state from local AFMs and peers. However, once started, BGP RIB Manager will participate in peer restart processing as needed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntIpv4UniFwdPrsrvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value should be set to TRUE if Unicast IPv4 forwarding state has been preserved over a restart, and the value of the bgpRmEntRestartSupported field is set to TRUE.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntIpv4MultiFwdPrsrvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value should be set to TRUE if Multicast IPv4 forwarding state has been preserved over a restart, and the value of the bgpRmEntRestartSupported field is set to TRUE.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntVpnIpv4FwdPrsrvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value should be set to TRUE if VPN-IPv4 forwarding state has been preserved over a restart, and the value of the bgpRmEntRestartSupported field is set to TRUE.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpRmEntIpv4ArinhJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the ARI Interface slave join for querying IPv4 next hops. This is equivalent to the bgpRmArinhJoinStatus field within the bgpRmArinhJoinTable for the IPv4 Unicast table entry.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntIpv4ArinhEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the IPv4 ARI provider entity. This is equivalent to the bgpRmArinhEntIndex field within the bgpRmArinhJoinTable for the IPv4 Unicast table entry.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntIpv6ArinhJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the ARI Interface slave join for querying IPv6 next hops. This is equivalent to the bgpRmArinhJoinStatus field within the bgpRmArinhJoinTable for the IPv6 Unicast table entry.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntIpv6ArinhEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the IPv6 ARI provider entity. This is equivalent to the bgpRmArinhEntIndex field within the bgpRmArinhJoinTable for the IPv6 Unicast table entry.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntSupportIpv6 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether this instance supports connections to BGP peers with IPv6 addresses, and understands IPv6 next hop addresses. This field can only be set when the row is admin down. This field must not be set to TRUE unless IPv6 support has been licensed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntStrictConfed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When set to TRUE DC-BGP insists upon strict adherence by peers to the protocol specification, rejecting AS-Path attributes with erroneous AS-Confed segments. When set to FALSE DC-BGP adopts a more pragmatic approach dealing as best it can with non standard AS-Path information. This latter approach can be useful in allowing interoperability with older, non-standards compliant peers. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntOrfSupported 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether DC-BGP RIB Manager should support Cooperative Route Filtering (commonly referred to as Outbound Route Filtering or ORF). This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntCiscoPrefixSupported 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether DC-BGP RIB Manager should advertise support for the proprietary Cisco ORF prefix type. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down and is only relevant if ORF support is enabled.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntSelectDeferTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When DC-BGP is itself restarting this is the upper bound on the amount of time (in seconds) route selection will be deferred. The value specified should be large enough so as to provide all peers with enough time to send all their routes. The value must be greater or equal to bgpRmEntRecoveryTime. This field is only relevant if bgpRmEntRestartSupported is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..3600  

bgpRmEntStalePathTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum time (in seconds) following a peer restart that DC-BGP waits before removing stale routes associated with that peer. The value must be greater or equal to bgpRmEntMaxRestartTime. This field is only relevant if bgpRmEntRestartSupported is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..3600  

bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether DC-BGP maintains Adj-RIB-Out details for peers. Setting this to TRUE reduces memory requirements but can lead to an increase in processing requirements. Setting this to TRUE also disables support for the Adj-RIB-Out table. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntAroRouteThreshold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is set to TRUE this specifies the number of Adj-Rib-Out routes that are permitted to exist before commencing procedures to limit further increases in route occupancy. A value of 0 indicates that no threshold should be applied and Adj-RIB-Out route numbers will not be aggressively limited. The lower this value the lower the peak occupancy associated with Adj-RIB-Out routes. Once this threshold is exceeded aggressive techniques are employed to free up Adj-RIB-Out routes as quickly as possible. A side-affect of this is that the bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval, bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval and bgpPeerMinRouteWithdrawIntervals are ignored, which may lead to increased network traffic. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down and is only applicable if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntMaxActiveAroGroups 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When non-persistent AROs are in use, DC-BGP breaks up the processing and reduces the peak occupancy requirements by splitting the Adj-RIB-Outs into a number of processing groups. The number of AROs in a group is controlled by bgpRmEntNumArosInGroup. This field is used to specify the maximum number of such groups permitted to contain fully populated AROs. Each group is processed to completion including the transmission of required UPDATEs to peers. Processing to completion allows the routes in a group to be freed before moving onto the next group thus limiting peak occupancy. A group is blocked if one or more of its member Adj-RIB-Outs are subject to flow control. If bgpRmEntMaxActiveAroGroups are blocked then DC-BGP will itself be blocked until a group is unblocked. Setting a high value for the number of groups decreases the chance of DC-BGP being blocked but increases peak occupancy. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down and is only applicable if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..4294967295  

bgpRmEntNumArosInGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of Adj-RIB-Outs within a processing group. The more permitted the better the peer group caching performance but the greater the occupancy requirements. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down and is only applicable if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..4294967295  

bgpRmEntNumAroRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of Adj-RIB-Out routes currently allocated across all Adj-RIBs-Out.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntPeakNumAroRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The peak number of Adj-RIB-Out routes that have been allocated at any one time. This counter can be reset to the current bgpRmEntNumAroRoutes value by setting the bgpRmEntClearStats field to true.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntClearStats 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set to true to clear the applicable statistics. Reading the value of this field has no meaning.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntFastExtFallover 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether DC-BGP is configured to perform fast external fallover. When bgpRmEntFastExtFallover is 'true', BGP sessions to directly connected eBGP peers fail as soon as a loss of reachability is detected, instead of waiting for the TCP session to time out. Note that this is only applied to peers that are known to be directly connected - in other words, peers that have bgpPeerTtl set to 1.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntRemainDelayTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum time remaining until route selection takes place following a restart, in hundredths of a second. This is the time left until the timer with duration bgpRmEntSelectDeferTime pops.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntPathAttrs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of path attributes present.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmEntAggSplitHorizon 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether DC-BGP should apply split-horizon processing when advertising locally generated aggregate routes to a peer. If set to TRUE, locally generated aggregate routes will not be advertised to any peer that advertised a route that contributed to the aggregate. If set to FALSE, this check will not be performed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntAggAdvSuppr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field governs the behaviour of DC-BGP when a locally-generated, summary aggregate route cannot be advertised to a peer. If set to TRUE, DC-BGP should attempt to advertise the suppressed routes that contributed to the aggregate. If set to FALSE, the suppressed routes will not be advertised.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntUpdateGroups 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field indicates that DC-BGP should treat each configured peer group for IBGP peers as an update group. This means that all the peers in the peer group will share a single Adj-RIB-Out and will receive the same set of updates. Note that setting bgpRmEntUpdateGroups to 'true' requires that all of the peers in each IBGP peer group are configured such that they require the same set of routes. This imposes a number of configuration restrictions. Inconsistent entity MIB settings will be rejected. - Split-horizon aggregates must be disabled (bgpRmEntAggSplitHorizon must be 'false'. - Non-persistent AROs (NPA) must be disabled (bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros must be 'false'). The value of bgpPeerCheckNextHop is ignored (assumed to be 'false') for peers in an IBGP peer group when update groups are enabled. If a peer session starts and one of the following values does not match the value for a peer in the peer group's update group, then the new peer will not be added to the update group. - The negotiated AS number size for the session. - The configured value for bgpPeerConfedMember. - The configured value for bgpPeerReflectorClient. The following timer values will be taken from an arbitrary member of the update group and will be applied to the whole update group. The timer values will therefore be deterministic only if the same values are used for all peers in a peer group. - bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval. - bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertiseInterval. - bgpPeerMinRouteWithdrawInterval. The local IP address used for next-hop-self will be taken from an arbitrary member of the update group and will be applied to the whole update group. The local IP address used will therefore be deterministic only if the same values are used for all peers in a peer group. Note also that setting bgpRmEntUpdateGroups to 'true' limits the use of ORF (Outbound Route Filtering) for the peers in an update group. In particular, DC-BGP will continue to send outbound route filters to peers, but received filters are ignored. In addition, when bgpRmEntUpdateGroups is 'true', the value of bgpPeerConfigPeergr for a peer can only be changed while the peer MIB row admin status is 'down'. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmEntPhase3DelayTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time in seconds after the number of Established BGP sessions changes from zero to one in which phase 3 work will be postponed if there is still phase 1 or phase 2 work to do. The allows the Loc-RIB to stabilize before advertising routes to peers, preventing the same route being advertised multiple times.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..3600  

bgpRmEntTrapOperState 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the Oper State change trap is used. If in use DC-BGP will send a trap whenever the operational status of the RM Entity changes to 'up', 'down' or 'actFailed'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeer 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPeerData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPeerTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
BGP peer table. This table contains, one entry per BGP peer, and information about the connections with BGP peers.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Entry containing information about the connection with a BGP peer.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerIdentifier 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP Identifier of this entry's BGP peer. This entry is 0000 unless the bgpPeerState is in the openconfirm or the established state. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerIdentifier.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerState 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP peer's FSM state. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerState.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object type reflects the status of the row within the agent. Note that this is independent of the bgpPeerAdminStatus which reflects the underlying peering session itself. An instance of this row is returned by the agent to reflect the validity of the current state of this row. The valid RowStatus enumeration values for this are 'active', 'notInService', and 'notReady'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The desired state of the BGP connection. A transition from 'up' to 'down' will cause the BGP Stop Event to be generated. A transition from 'down' to 'up' will cause the BGP Start Event to be generated. This parameter can be used to restart BGP peer connections. Care should be used in providing write access to this object without adequate authentication.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerOperStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current operation status of this peer. This usually reflects the desired AdminStatus, but can contain transitional values and failures.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLocalAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the local end of the peering session. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerLocalAddrType. Valid values are: AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV4 and AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6. AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6 is only accepted if bgpRmEntSupportIpv6 is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLocalAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address of the local end of the peering session. This is used as an index to the row. If a zero length address is used, DC-BGP will not bind a specific address but use whatever is available through the NM instance configured in the bgpPeerLocalNm field. In this case the bgpPeerSelectedLocalAddr field shows which local address is actually used. If a specific local address is configured, then outbound socket connections will be bound to this address. If a non-zero bgpPeerLocalPort is specified, then outbound socket connections will be bound to this port. Note that you can have 2 peer entries to the same remote if they come from a different local . To configure this each local must be specified explicitly and not be zero length. You will not be allowed to do this if you are listening on all addresses as it will be impossible to tell which peer an incoming connection is for. You must explicitly listen on each local address in this case. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerLocalAddr.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPeerLocalPort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local port for the transport connection between the BGP peers. If set to zero DC-BGP will not bind to a specific port but use any that is available. If configured to a specific number DC-BGP will attempt to connect out on that port, but will continue to listen on any ports configured in the bgpNmListenTable. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerLocalPort.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerLocalNm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The entity index of the NM to use to connect to this peer. This field can only be changed when the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerRemoteAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the remote end of the peering session. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType. Valid values are: AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV4 and AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6. AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6 is only accepted if bgpRmEntSupportIpv6 is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRemoteAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address of the remote end of the peering session. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerRemoteAddr.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPeerRemotePort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The remote port for the transport connection between the BGP peers. A value of zero allows connections from any remote port, otherwise the connection must be from the specified port. A value of zero also means DC-BGP attempts to connect to port 179. You cannot configure a port of zero if you have already configured a non-zero port for this remote address. Similarly you cannot configure a non-zero port if you have already configured a port of zero for this remote address. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerRemotePort.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRemoteAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The remote autonomous system number. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerRemoteAs.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is a unique index for the peer entry in the bgpPeerTable. It is assigned by the agent at the point of creation of the bgpPeerTable row entry. While its value is guaranteed to be unique at any time, it is otherwise opaque to the management application with respect to its value or the contiguity of bgpPeerIndex row instance values across rows of the bgpPeerTable. It is used to provide an index structure for other tables whose data is logically per-peer. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerTable entry bgpM2PeerIndex.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerConfedMember 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the peer is a member of the same confederation that this router is in. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down, and can only be set to true if the field bgpRmEntLocalMbrAs is non-zero. Note that the value should be set to true even if the peer is in the same member AS that this router is in. Member AS numbers are kept internal to the confederation, so it is possible for a member AS number to be the same as the AS number of a neighbor outside the confederation, and so it is not possible to determine whether a peer is in this confederation just by examining the peer's AS number. The value of this field resolves any ambiguity.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerReflectorClient 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether the given peer is a reflector client of this router, or not. A value of nonClient(0) indicates that this peer is not a reflector client. A value of client(1) indicates that this peer is a reflector client that is not fully meshed with other reflector clients. A value of meshedClient(2) indicates that the peer is a reflector client and is fully meshed with all other reflector clients. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerReflectorClientTable entry bgpM2PeerReflectorClient.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerTrapEstab 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the Established trap is used. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerTrapBackw 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the Backward Transition trap is used. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerCapsSupport 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this peer accepted our local capabilities optional parameter sent on the OPEN message. This field will not be relevant until the peer has reached open_confirm state. Note that this field indicates support or otherwise of the capabilities optional parameter, not a specific capability.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLastError 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The last error code and subcode sent or received on this connection. If no error has occurred, this field is zero. Otherwise, the first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING contains the error code, and the second byte contains the subcode. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entries bgpM2PeerLastErrorReceived and bgpM2PeerLastErrorSent.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(2)  

bgpPeerLastErrorDataLen 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The length of the last error data. If this is zero no error data was provided or generated.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Unsigned32 0..128  

bgpPeerLastErrorData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The last error code's data seen by this peer on this connection. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entries bgpM2PeerLastErrorReceivedData and bgpM2PeerLastErrorSentData.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(128)  

bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This timer indicates how long this peer has been in the Established state or how long since this peer was last in the Established state. It is set to zero when a new peer is configured or the router is booted. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerEventTimesTable entry bgpM2PeerFsmEstablishedTime.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerInUpdatesElapsedTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Elapsed time since the last BGP message was received from the peer. Each time bgpPeerInUpdates is incremented, the value of this object is set to zero (0). It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerEventTimesTable entry bgpM2PeerInUpdatesElapsedTime.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerConfiguredTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerConnectRetryInterval.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..65535  

bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the Hold Time configured for this BGP speaker with this peer. This value is placed in an OPEN message sent to this peer by this BGP speaker, and is compared with the Hold Time field in an OPEN message received from the peer when determining the Hold Time (bgpPeerHoldTime) with the peer. This value must not be less than three seconds if it is not zero (0) in which case the Hold Time is NOT to be established with the peer. The value of this object is only allowed to be zero (0) if the value of bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigd is also zero (0). The suggested value for this timer is 90 seconds. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerConfiguredTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerHoldTimeConfigured.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0 | 3..65535  

bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive configured for this BGP speaker with this peer. The value of this object will only determine the KEEPALIVE messages' frequency relative to the value specified in bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd; the actual time interval for the KEEPALIVE messages is indicated by bgpPeerKeepAlive. A reasonable maximum value for this timer would be configured to be one third of that of bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd. The value of this object is only allowed to be zero (0) if the value of bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd is also zero (0). If the value of this object is zero (0), no periodical KEEPALIVE messages are sent to the peer after the BGP connection has been established. The suggested value for this timer is 30 seconds. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerConfiguredTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerKeepAliveConfigured.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0 | 1..21845  

bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the timer. The suggested value for this timer is 15 seconds. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerConfiguredTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerMinASOrigInterval.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..65535  

bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertiseInterval 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer. This determines the minimum time between a BGP UPDATE to a peer advertising or withdrawing a route and a subsequent BGP UPDATE to the peer advertising a route to the same destination. The default value for this timer is 30 seconds. Its value must not be less than bgpPeerMinRouteWithdrawInterval. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerConfiguredTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerMinRouteAdverInterval.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..65535  

bgpPeerHoldTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the Hold Timer established with the peer. The value of this is calculated by this BGP speaker by using the smaller of the value in bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd and the Hold Time received in the OPEN message. This value must be at least three seconds if it is not zero (0) in which case the Hold Timer has not been established with the peer, or, the value of bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd is zero (0). It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerNegotiatedTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerHoldTime.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Integer32 0 | 3..65535  

bgpPeerKeepAlive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer. The value of this is calculated by this BGP speaker such that, when compared with bgpPeerHoldTime, it has the same proportion as what bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigd has when compared with bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigd. If the value of this object is zero (0), it indicates that the KeepAlive timer has not been established with the peer, or, the value of bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigd is zero (0). It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerNegotiatedTimersTable entry bgpM2PeerKeepAlive.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Integer32 0 | 1..21845  

bgpPeerInUpdates 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection. This object should be initialized to zero (0) when the connection is established. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCountersTable entry bgpM2PeerInUpdates.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerOutUpdates 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection. This object should be initialized to zero (0) when the connection is established. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCountersTable entry bgpM2PeerOutUpdates.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerInTotalMessages 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection. This object should be initialized to zero when the connection is established. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCountersTable entry bgpM2PeerInTotalMessages.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerOutTotalMessages 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this connection. This object should be initialized to zero when the connection is established. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCountersTable entry bgpM2PeerOutTotalMessages.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state for this peer. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCountersTable entry bgpM2PeerFsmEstablishedTrans.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerConnectRetryCount 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current connect retry count of this peer. This is incremented each time the peer session flaps, and is used to determine the time to wait before retrying the session. Note this is only incremented when an active session terminates abnormally, and not when it simply fails to come up. This counter can be cleared by setting the bgpPeerClearCnts field to true.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerClearCnts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set to clear the counters associated with this Peer. Reading the value of this field has no meaning.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigPeergr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Peer Group this neighbor belongs to.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Policy Configuration Table this peer uses for its policy setup. This field may be changed when the admin-status is up. A value of zero indicates that the peer is not associated with any config row.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigRtRefresh 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is set to 'true' to trigger a route refresh for this peer. This object always has the value 'false' when read.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object is used in conjunction with the address-family specific bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx to limit the number of prefixes that can be accepted from this peer. Setting bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx to a non-zero value sets the maximum number of prefixes (totalled across all supported address families) that can be accepted from this peer. Alternatively, seperate values for the maximum prefix limit can be specified for each address family. To configure this, set bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx to zero, and set bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx for each address family for which a limit is required.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigDropWarn 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object is used in conjunction with the address-family specific bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigDropWarn to determine whether the session is dropped or a warning is generated when the maximum number of prefixes set is exceeded. Setting bgpPeerConfigDropWarn to 'drop' will cause the session to be dropped when the prefix limit is reached. To configure this behavior independently for different address families, set bgpPeerConfigDropWarn to 'warn', and set the value of bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigDropWarn for each address family as needed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigPassive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If TRUE, then no outbound connections will be initiated, and only incoming connections will be accepted. If FALSE, then outbound connections will be attempted to this peer, and incoming connections will be accepted from this peer. Note that receipt of incoming connections requires a listening socket to be active in the Neighbor Manager instance responsible for this peer. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigOpenDelay 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The delay to enforce in between a TCP connection with this peer becoming established and a BGP Open message being sent. If this delay is zero, then no delay will be injected, and a BGP Open message will be sent as soon as the TCP connection allows it. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..240  

bgpPeerConfigIdleHold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time to hold this peer in Idle state after a BGP session has progressed beyond Idle state initially and then returned to it. No new connections will be initiated or accepted until the peer comes out of Idle state. By setting this field to a large value, this timer can be used to provide some level of peer oscillation damping, if desired. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 1..32767  

bgpPeerPassword 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The MD5 password used by this peer. This value is passed to the sockets stub at creation. bgpPeerPasswordLen must be set to the length of the string. This field can only be changed when the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpPeerTtl 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Time To Live used by the connection on this peer. Directly connected peers should have this set to one. A value of zero indicates the TTL socket option will not be set for this peer. The sockets layer will therefore insert its default value of TTL into all packets. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerCheckFirstAsNum 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the first AS number in the AS_PATH attribute in an UPDATE received from this peer should be checked to make sure it is the same as the AS number of the peer. This flag only applies to EBGP peers. It should be set to True unless the peer has a specific policy that means it does not prepend its AS number so that it is the first in the path. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAggrInclConfedAS 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the neighbor understands aggregated confederation AS_PATH information. If set to FALSE, no confederation AS_PATH information is included in aggregate AS_PATHs.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerMinRouteWithdrawInterval 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Time interval in seconds for the MinRouteWithdrawInterval timer. This is the interval which is enforced between advertisement and subsequent withdrawal of a route. The default value for this timer is 30 seconds. The value must not exceed that of bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertiseInterval.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..65535  

bgpPeerStalePathTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum length of time that DC-BGP will wait before removing stale routes from the peer, following a restart of the peer. This is advertised by the peer in its OPEN message if it supports graceful restart. If the advertised value is greater than the bgpRmEntMaxRestartTime, then that value will be used in preference. Specifically, this is the maximum duration that RM will wait between the session going down and receiving an end-of-RIB (EOR) marker.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerCheckNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not to check the BGP next-hop of routes sent to this peer. If set to TRUE, which is the default, then routes with a BGP next-hop which is the same as the peer's address will not be sent to this peer. If set to FALSE, then this filtering will not be performed. In this case, the receiving peer should discard any such routes itself.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerLocalAddrScopeId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The scope ID of the bgpPeerLocalAddr. The scope ID is required if the address is an IPv6 link-local address. Otherwise, this field must be set to zero.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object is used in conjunction with the address-family specific bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxOrfEntries to limit the number of ORF entries of all types that can be accepted from this peer. Setting bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries to a non-zero value sets the maximum number of ORF entries (totalled across all supported address families) that can be accepted from this peer. If this limit is exceeded then the connection will be closed. Alternatively, separate values for the maximum number of ORF entries can be specified for each address family. To configure this, set bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries to zero, and set bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxOrfEntries for each address family for which a limit is required. The value of this field can be changed at any time. However, the new value will only take effect the next time the session is restarted or when the peer modifies its ORF entries.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerOrfEntryCount 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current number of ORF entries of all types that have been received from the peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerPeeringType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The type of peering relationship associated with this peer. Setting this to 'biLateral' will stop the advertisement of routes with the NOPEER community to this peer, and also filter out routes with the NOPEER community received from the peer. Setting the field to other values is currently only for information. This field only applies to EBGP peers. If this field is set for an IBGP peer, the setting will have no effect and will still return 'unspecified'. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object is used in conjunction with bgpPeerAfiSafiSoftResetStore to configure 'soft reset with stored routing information'. This option causes all routes learned from a peer to be stored so that the ARI can be recalculated (for example, due to a change in import policy) without performing a route refresh or restarting the peer session. When bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'false', BGP does not perform soft reset for any address family. When bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'true', BGP performs soft reset for those address families for which bgpPeerAfiSafiSoftResetStore is 'true'. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. There is a significant occupancy impact associated with this option. Note that this option overlaps with route refresh (RR) and Outbound Route Filter (ORF) behavior. To clarify, when this option is enabled, the following also occur for the session to that peer. - Routes are stored in this way, even if the peer advertizes support for RR or ORF. - Route refresh and ORF capabilities continue to be advertized (if configured). - A route refresh will never be sent to this peer, apart from one (containing no ORFs) at the start of the session if both peers support ORF. - ORFs are never sent to the peer. - DC-BGP still responds to RR requests from the peer (if it advertizes the RR capability). - DC-BGP still accepts ORF requests from the peer (if it advertizes the ORF capability).
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAllowLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of instances of the local AS identifier that may be contained in the route's AS-Path without rejecting the route. The AS-Path attribute of a BGP route contains the identifiers of the Autonomous Systems traversed by the route. When a route is received with an AS-Path containing the local AS identifier, it normally indicates a routing loop, and the default behavior is to reject the route. This object allows this behavior to be over-ridden. This is useful, for example, for VPN routes, where routes from one CE router are advertised to other CE routers through a provider's BGP network. Two CE routers in the same AS can enable this feature to prevent routes from the other CE from being discarded. When bgpPeerAllowLocalAs is set to a non-zero value, that value is used for all address families, and the value of bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs is ignored. Alternatively, the value may be configured independently for each address family. To do this, set bgpPeerAllowLocalAs to 0 and set the value of bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs for each address family. Changing the value of this object while the peer is active triggers BGP to refresh its routes from the peer.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeerDisableSenderLoopDetect 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is used in conjunction with bgpPeerAfiSafiDisableSndLpDetect to indicate whether BGP should disable sender-side loop detection when sending routes to the peer. By default, BGP performs sender side loop detection. That is, it will not advertise a route to a peer if the AS-Path of the route already contains the peer's AS number. A peer would typically discard such routes, so this is normally a useful optimization. However, the peer may be configured to accept such routes (see bgpPeerAllowLocalAs). In this case it is necessary to disable sender-side loop detection, by setting bgpPeerDisableSndLpDetect to 'true'. Sender-side loop detection may be disabled independently for each address family. When bgpPeerDisableSndLpDetect is set to 'true', set bgpPeerAfiSafiDisableSndLpDetect to 'true' or 'false' to disable or enable sender-side loop detection for each address family. If the value of this object is changed while the peer session is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerDisableRouteRefresh 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates that DC-BGP should not advertise support for Route Refresh messages to this peer. When this flag is set, DC-BGP will not advertise support for Route Refresh messages to this peer. When this flag is not set, DC-BGP will advertise support for Route Refresh messages to this peer.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerFlapStatsClearStat 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is set to clear the bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt in all entries in the bgpNlriTable matching routes from this peer. This will not unsuppress a suppressed route. If the field bgpPeerFlapStatsClearMap is also set, this defines the Route Map used to determine the set of routes for which the bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt should be reset. If bgpPeerFlapStatsClearMap is not set, all routes from this peer will be reset. Reading the value of this field has no meaning. The field is not returned on a MIB Get.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerFlapStatsClearMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is set with bgpPeerFlapStatsClearStat to restrict the set of routes for which bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt is reset when bgpPeerFlapStatsClearStat is set. This field is an index to the bgpRouteMapTable. The bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt in all routes matching the Route Map are cleared. Entries in the Route Map may be set to permit (to cause a match) or to deny (to prevent a match). Setting this field without bgpPeerFlapStatsClearStat has no meaning. Reading the value of this field has no meaning. The field is not returned on a MIB Get.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerLastErrorRcvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The last error code and subcode received from the peer on this connection. If no error has been received from the peer, this field is zero. Otherwise, the first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING contains the error code, and the second byte contains the subcode. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entry bgpM2PeerLastErrorReceived.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(2)  

bgpPeerLastErrorRcvdTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of sysUpTime when the last error was received from the peer on this connection. If no error has been received from the peer, this field is zero. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entry bgpM2PeerLastErrorReceivedTime.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLastErrorSent 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The last error code and subcode sent to the peer on this connection. If no error has been sent to the peer, this field is zero. Otherwise, the first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING contains the error code, and the second byte contains the subcode. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entry bgpM2PeerLastErrorSent.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(2)  

bgpPeerLastErrorSentTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of sysUpTime when the last error was sent to the peer on this connection. If no error has been sent to the peer, this field is zero. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerErrorsTable entry bgpM2PeerLastErrorSentTime.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLastState 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP peer's previous FSM state.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerLastEvent 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The last input to be made to the BGP peer's FSM.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerCapsSent 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The capabilities announced to the peer on the most recent Open message sent to the peer. This field is set to zero before the first Open message is sent to the peer, and is unchanged if the session comes down.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerCapsRcvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The capabilities received on the most recent Open message received from the peer. This field is set to zero before the first Open message is received from the peer, and is unchanged if the session comes down. In the event that the peer signals a capability that DC-BGP does not recognize, this field will only contain those capabilities that DC-BGP recognizes. A user should walk the bgpPeerCapsRcvdTable to confirm the full list of capabilities received from the peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerCapsNegotiated 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The capabilities negotiated for the session with the peer. This field is set to zero before Open messages have been exchanged with the peer, and is unchanged if the session comes down.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRstrSupport 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether the peer supports graceful restart. This field is set to 'none' before an Open message has been received from a peer, and is unchanged if the session comes down.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRstrFamily 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address and subaddress families for which the peer supports graceful restart. This field is set to zero before an Open message has been received from a peer, and is unchanged if the session comes down.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRstrRestarting 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether the peer is currently in the process of restarting.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRstrStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current state of the peer's restart processing. If bgpPeerRstrRestarting is false, this is set to notRestarting.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRstrRemTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time remaining in the current restart state, in hundredths of a second. If bgpPeerRstrStatus is notRestarting, this is set to zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRcvdMsgElapsedTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The elapsed time in hundredths of a second since anything was received from the socket from this peer. If nothing has been received from the socket from this peer, this field is set to zero. If the session comes down this value continues to increase.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerIdleHoldRemTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
For a peer in 'idle' state, the time remaining in hundredths of a second until DC-BGP will try to reactivate the connection. If the peer is not in 'idle' state, this is set to zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRouteRefrSent 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of Route Refresh messages sent to the peer. If the session comes down this value is unchanged, and will continue to increment if the session is reestablished.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerRouteRefrRcvd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of Route Refresh messages received from the peer. If the session comes down this value is unchanged, and will continue to increment if the session is reestablished.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerNxtHopSlf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the peer has next hop self configured. Setting this field to 'true' causes the value of bgpPeerThirdPtyNxtHop to be ignored. Address family specific configuration of this option is provided by the field bgpPeerAfiSafiNxtHopSlf. When bgpPeerNxtHopSlf is 'false', BGP does not perform next-hop-self for any address family. When bgpPeerNxtHopSlf is 'true', BGP performs next-hop-self for those address families for which bgpPeerAfiSafiNxtHopSlf is 'true'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerThirdPtyNxtHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the local BGP speaker should advertise routes received from this peer using third party next hop (this is optional behaviour described in the BGP specification). This field is only used when exporting routes to other EBGP peers, and when bgpPeerNxtHopSlf is 'false'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerNxtHopPeer 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the local BGP speaker should override the use of third party next hop by an EBGP peer. If an EBGP peer speaker uses third party next hop, routes learnt from the peer may specify a next hop belonging to a router that the local BGP speaker does not peer with. If this field is set to 'true', then all data forwarded along a route learnt from an EBGP peer will be sent to the EBGP peer. The peer's address is put into the BGP next hop field when the route is advertised to IBGP peers. If set to 'false', then data is sent to the next hop specified by the peer. The field is only used when importing routes from EBGP.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerTrapPrefix 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used in conjunction with bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix to determine whether BGP issues an SNMP trap when the number of prefixes received from this peer reaches the maximum number of prefixes allowed, set by bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx and bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx, or the warning threshold set by bgpPeerConfigThreshold and bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold. To disable sending of traps for all address families, set bgpPeerTrapPrefix to 'false'. To enable the sending of traps, set bgpPeerTrapPrefix to 'true' and set bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix to 'true' for those address families for which this behavior is required.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfigThreshold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
A percentage of the limit set by bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx. When the number of prefixes received from this peer reaches this threshold, BGP issues a warning. The action carried out by DC-BGP depends on the value of bgpPeerTrapPrefix and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix. This field is not used if bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx is set to zero. This field sets a threshold for all address families received from a peer. To configure a threshold for individual families, set bgpPeerConfigThreshold to zero and set bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold to the required threshold for each address family.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..100  

bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time interval in seconds between when this BGP session is torn down due to the number of prefixes received from this peer exceeding the maximum in bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx(AfiSafi) and when BGP attempts to reestablish the session. To configure a time interval for individual families, set bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold to zero and set bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold to the required time interval for each address family. If both bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold and bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold are set to zero for an address family, the session is not reestablished. An attempt to configure a non-zero value less than 30 seconds is rejected.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..86400  

bgpPeerSelectedLocalAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family selected for the local end of the peering session. If a connection exists then this field will be identical to bgpPeerLocalAddrType. A value of none implies that there is currently no connection to this peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerSelectedLocalAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address selected for the local end of the peering session. If a connection exists and bgpPeerLocalAddr is specified then these two fields will be identical.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPeerSelectedLocalPort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local port selected for transport connection between the BGP peers. If bgpPeerLocalPort is non-zero and a connection exists then these two fields will be identical. A value of zero implies that there is currently no connection to this peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerSelectedRemotePort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The remote port selected for the transport connection between the BGP peers. If bgpPeerRemotePort is non-zero and a connection exists then these two fields will be identical. A value of zero implies that there is currently no connection to this peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerBfdDesired 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is desired for this peer. If the NM entity managing this peer session (configured using bgpPeerLocalNm) does not have an active join to a BFD provider (configured using bgpNmEntBfdEntityIndex), then BFD will not be used on this interface regardless of the value of this field. This field can only be changed when the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerBfdStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
BFD session state for this peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerCeaseErrorSubcode 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The error subcode to be sent in the Cease Notification messages triggered by MIB requests that set the state of the BGP connection from 'up' to 'down'. If set to 'none' then DC-BGP chooses the subcode itself. This field does not affect the error subcode for Cease Notification messages triggered for other reasons.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An alternative 'local AS' number that can be used to create a session to this peer. This is used when merging two ASs into a single AS. A value of zero means 'not configured'. If a non-zero value is configured, then the AS number included in the OPEN messages sent when trying to create the peer session will alternate between the 'normal' local AS number (defined by bgpRmEntLocalAs) and the 'alternative' local AS number defined here. If this is an iBGP peer, then bgpPeerRemoteAs must have the same value as bgpRmEntLocalAs. In this case, an OPEN message received from the remote peer will be accepted if it contains an AS number that matches either bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs or bgpPeerRemoteAs. If this is an eBGP peer, then bgpPeerRemoteAs must contain the remote peer's AS number. An OPEN message received from the remote peer will be accepted only if it contains an AS number that matches bgpPeerRemoteAs. This field can be changed at any time. However, if the field is changed while the row is admin_status UP, the change will only take effect after the row has been deactivated and reactivated, thus forcing the peer session to be restarted. If this router is a member of a confederation, then this field is meaningless and is ignored.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerSelectedLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local AS number used on this session. If bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs is set to a non-zero value, then the session might have been set up advertising one of two 'local AS' numbers (bgpRmEntLocalAs or bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs). This field reports which local AS number was used. If, as normal, bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs is zero, then the AS number advertised for the session (and reported by this field) is bgpRmEntLocalAs, or bgpRmEntLocalMbrAs (if this router is in a confederation along with the peer). If the bgpPeerState is not 'established', then this field is zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerSelectedRemoteAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The remote AS number used on this session. If bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs is set to a non-zero value, and if this is an iBGP peer, then the remote peer might have advertised one of two AS numbers (bgpPeerRemoteAs or bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs). This field reports which AS number was advertised by the remote peer. If bgpPeerConfAltLocalAs is zero, then the AS number advertised by the remote peer (and reported in this this field) must equal bgpPeerRemoteAs. If the bgpPeerState is not 'established', then this field is zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerInPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of prefixes received from this peer. This is equivalent to the sum of bgpPrfxInPrfxes for all AFI/SAFI combinations that this peer supports.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerOutPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes that are installed in all of this peer's Adj-RIB-Outs. This is equivalent to the sum of bgpPrfxOutPrfxes for all AFI/SAFI combinations that this peer supports. Note that this value is impacted by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field since, if that field is set to TRUE, routes are removed from the Adj-RIB-Out to reduce occupancy.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerOutPrfxesAdvertised 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of prefixes advertised to this peer. This is equivalent to the sum of bgpPrfxOutPrfxesAdvertised for all AFI/SAFI combinations that this peer supports. This field is not affected by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field. Note that even if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is FALSE the value of this field may differ from bgpPeerOutPrfxes since that field includes recently withdrawn routes which are undergoing suppression procedures.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPeerTrapGrHelperState 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the Graceful Restart helper trap is used. If in use for this peer, DC-BGP will send a trap whenever the peer restart status changes - in other words, whenever the value of bgpPeerRstrStatus for the peer changes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerEnableAttributeDiscard 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the 'attribute discard' error handling mechanism is used for BGP UPDATE messages received from this peer. This mechanism applies when a BGP UPDATE message is received containing a malformed AGGREGATOR, AS4_AGGREGATOR, AS4_PATH or ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute. When set to 'false', the error handling mechanism defined in the original BGP specification is used, and the BGP session is reset. This can lead to session flapping and network instability, even though routing is not adversely affected by the presence of these malformed attributes. When set to 'true', the alternative error handling mechanism of 'attribute discard' is used, where the attribute is dropped and the rest of the BGP UPDATE message is processed as normal. Use of 'attribute discard' error handling is fixed at the start of a BGP session, so changes to this field take effect at the start of the next session. If the peer belongs to a peer group, then this field is ignored and the value of bgpPeergrEnableAtrributeDiscard is examined instead.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Peer configuration table. This table allows a user to configure peer characteristics on a per AFI/SAFI basis. Rows in this table cannot be created or destroyed manually. A table entry for each supported address family is created automatically when an entry in the bgpPeerTable is created. The entries are destroyed when the bgpPeerTable entry is destroyed.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerAfiSafiEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Peer configuration table entry.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerAfiSafiAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI index into the peer table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerAfiSafiSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI index into the peer table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerAfiSafiDisable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When bgpPeerAfiSafiDisable is 'true', BGP will not advertise Multiprotocol support to the peer for this address family. When bgpPeerAfiSafiDisable is 'false', BGP will advertise Multiprotocol support to the peer if support for the address family has been enabled in the corresponding bgpRmAfiSafiTable entry. Any update to this object will take effect the next time that the bgpPeerTable entry is activated (bgpPeerAdminStatus is set to 'adminStatusUp').
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigRtRefresh 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set this to 'true' to trigger BGP to send a Route Refresh to the peer for this address family. Setting the object will only have an effect if a BGP session to the peer is active. This object always has the value 'false' when read.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of instances of the local AS identifier that may be contained in the route's AS-Path without rejecting the route. The AS-Path attribute of a BGP route contains the identifiers of the Autonomous Systems traversed by the route. When a route is received with an AS-Path containing the local AS identifier, it normally indicates a routing loop, and the default behavior is to reject the route. This object allows this behavior to be over-ridden. This is useful, for example, for VPN routes, where routes from one CE router are advertised to other CE routers sites through a provider's BGP network. Two CE routers in the same AS can enable this feature to prevent routes from the other CE from being discarded. If bgpPeerAllowLocalAs is set to a non-zero value, then that value is used for all address families, and the value of bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs is ignored. To configure values independently for each address family, set bgpPeerAllowLocalAs to 0 and set the values of bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs as required. Changing the value of this object while the peer is active triggers BGP to refresh its routes from the peer.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeerAfiSafiDisableSndLpDetect 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the sender-side loop detection configuration provided by bgpPeerDisableSenderLoopDetect. By default, BGP performs sender side loop detection. That is, it will not advertise a route to a peer if the AS-Path of the route already contains the peer's AS number. A peer would typically discard such routes, so this is normally a useful optimization. However, the peer may be configured to accept such routes (see bgpPeerAfiSafiAllowLocalAs). In this case it is necessary to disable sender-side loop detection. When bgpPeerDisableSenderLoopDetect is 'true', BGP disables sender-side loop detection for those address families for which bgpPeerAfiSafiDisableSndLpDetect is 'true'. When bgpPeerDisableSenderLoopDetect is 'false', sender-side loop detection is not disable for any address families. If the value of this object is changed while the peer session is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiNxtHopSlf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the next-hop-self configuration provided by bgpPeerNxtHopSlf. When bgpPeerNxtHopSlf is 'false', BGP does not perform next-hop-self for any address family. When bgpPeerNxtHopSlf is 'true', BGP performs next-hop-self for those address families for which bgpPeerAfiSafiNxtHopSlf is 'true'. If the value of this object is changed while the peer session is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether BGP should originate a default route to the peer for this address family. BGP cannot originate default VPN routes and so bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeerAfiSafiSafi is 'mplsBgpVpn'. This is because there is no single default route for a VPN address family - there may be one for each VRF. If a default VPN route is required, it should should be redistributed from the corresponding VRF. This ensures that the default VPN route is advertised by BGP along with the associated label, route distinguisher and route targets. Similarly, BGP does not support the allocation of a label for a default route, and so bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeerAfiSafiSafi is 'labeled'. Default routes are meaningless for L2VPN auto-discovery and signaling, so bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeerAfiSafiAfi is 'l2vpn'. The origination of default routes may optionally be conditional based on policy. If this is required, then set bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap to specify a route map. If no route map is specified (bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap is zero), then default route origination is based solely on the setting of bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Configured policy for origination of default routes. The value of bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap is only examined if bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault is 'true'. It identifies a route map consisting of all rows in the bgpRouteMapTable with bgpRouteMapIndex set to bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap. The route map has two purposes. - The match clauses are used for conditional advertisement of the default route. A default route is only originated for an address family if bgpPeerAfiSafiOrigDefault is 'true' and if there is at least one route in the loc-RIB matching the route map. - The set clauses of the route map determine the attributes of the originated default route. Note that route maps may consist of multiple bgpRouteMapTable entries. These bgpRouteMapTable entries can be configured to match a specific address family. Any such bgpRouteMapTable entry that does not match the address family for this bgpPeerAfiSafiTable entry is ignored. These route maps should be configured as follows. - To restrict a route map to a particular AFI/SAFI, specify bgpRouteMapMaAfi and bgpRouteMapMaSafi. - Each route map should specify an IP prefix list to match on. This is not mandated by DC-BGP, but other types of matches may have a performance impact. - Each IP prefix match is assumed to be an exact match. In other words, DC-BGP treats each bgpIpPreTable entry as having bgpIpPreLe = bgpIpPreLen, and bgpIpPreGe = 0.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiSoftResetStore 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the soft reset configuration provided by bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo. When bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'false', BGP does not perform soft reset for any address family. When bgpPeerSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'true', BGP performs soft reset for those address families for which bgpPeerAfiSafiSoftResetStore is 'true'. Any update to this object will take effect the next time that the peer session reactivates.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the maximum prefix configuration provided by bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx. To configure address family specific values for the maximum number of prefixes that can be accepted from the peer, set bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx to zero, and set bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx to the limit for this address family.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigDropWarn 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the configuration provided by bgpPeerConfigDropWarn, which determines the behavior when the maximum prefix limit is reached. To configure whether the session is dropped or a warning is behavior independently for different address families, set bgpPeerConfigDropWarn to 'warn', and set the value of bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigDropWarn for each address family as needed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the configuration provided by bgpPeerTrapPrefix, which determines whether BGP issues an SNMP trap when the number of prefixes received from this peer for this address family reaches the maximum number of prefixes allowed, set by bgpPeerConfigThreshold or bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx, or the warning threshold set by bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx or bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold. To disable sending of traps for all address families, set bgpPeerTrapPrefix to 'false'. To enable the sending of traps, set bgpPeerTrapPrefix to 'true' and set bgpPeerTrapPrefix to 'true' for those address families for which this behavior is required.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the threshold configuration provided by bgpPeerConfigThreshold. When the number of prefixes received from this peer for this address family reaches this threshold, BGP issues a warning. The action carried out by BGP depends on the value of bgpPeerTrapPrefix and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix. This field is not used if bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx and bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigMaxPrfx are set to zero. To configure a threshold for individual families, set bgpPeerConfigThreshold to zero and set bgpPeerAfiSafiConfigThreshold to the required threshold for each address family.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..100  

bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the configuration provided by bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold, which determines the time interval in seconds between when this BGP session is torn down due to the number of prefixes received from this peer exceeding the maximum in bgpPeerConfigMaxPrfx(AfiSafi) and when BGP attempts to reestablish the session. To configure a time interval for individual families, set bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold to zero and set bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold to the required time interval for each address family. If both bgpPeerMaxPrfxHold and bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrfxHold are set to zero for an address family, the session is not reestablished. An attempt to configure a non-zero value less than 30 seconds is rejected.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..86400  

bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxOrfEntries 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the maximum number of ORF entries configuration provided by bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries. To configure address family specific values for the maximum number of ORF entries that can be accepted from the peer, set bgpPeerMaxOrfEntries to zero, and set bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxOrfEntries to the limit for this address family.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerCaps 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPeerCapsRcvdTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This table contains contains the capabilities that are supported for a given peer. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCapsReceivedTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerCapsRcvdEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
These entries are keyed by a peer index and the BGP Capability Code and index.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerCapRcvdCode 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP Capability Advertisement Capability Code.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeerCapRcvdIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Multiple instances of a given capability may be sent by a BGP speaker. This variable is used to index them.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 1..128  

bgpPeerCapRcvdValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of the announced capability.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..255)  

bgpPeerCapsSentTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This table contains contains the capabilities that are announced to a given peer. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PeerCapsAnnouncedTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerCapsSentEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
These entries are keyed by a peer index and the BGP Capability Code and index.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerCapSentCode 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP Capability Advertisement Capability Code.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeerCapSentIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Multiple instances of a given capability may be sent by a BGP speaker. This variable is used to index them.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 1..128  

bgpPeerCapSentValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of the announced capability.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..255)  

bgpPeerCntrs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPrfxCntrsTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Additional per-peer, per AFI/SAFI counters for prefixes. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PrefixCountersTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPrfxCntrsEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Entry containing information about a bgp-peer's prefix counters.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPrfxCntrsAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI index of the per-peer, per prefix counters.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPrfxCntrsSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI index of the per-peer, per prefix counters.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPrfxInPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received from a peer and are stored in the Adj-RIB-In for that peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesAccepted 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and are eligible to become active in the Loc-Rib.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesRejected 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and are NOT eligible to become active in the Loc-Rib.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxOutPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in that peer's Adj-RIB-Out. Note that this value is impacted by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field since, if that field is set to TRUE, routes are removed from the Adj-RIB-Out to reduce occupancy.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxOutPrfxesAdvertised 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of advertised prefixes currently associated with the peer. This field is not affected by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field. Note that even if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is FALSE the value of this field may differ from bgpPrfxOutPrfxes since that field includes recently withdrawn routes which are undergoing suppression procedures.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxCntrsUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this BGP prefix counters entry.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapped 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and for which RIB Manager is tracking a route flap damping penalty.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapSuppressed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and that are suppressed as a result of route flapping.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesFlapHistory 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are not currently in the Adj-RIB-In, but which have an associated route flap damping penalty.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesActive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and are marked as 'active' in the Loc-Rib. This field only contains the count of prefixes for AFI/SAFIs for which bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'true'.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxInPrfxesDeniedByPol 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When 'soft reset with stored routing information' is enabled for a peer with the given AFI/SAFI, this is the number of stored prefixes from the peer that have failed import policy checks and so have not been installed in the Adj-RIB-In. Otherwise, this field is set to zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPrfxNumLocRibRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for a peer that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and are included as the 'best' route in the Loc-RIB.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRib 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpNlriTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table contains information about paths to destination networks received from all BGP4 peers. It is equivalent to the bgpM2NlriTable, with additional fields from the bgpM2PathAttrTable, and fields to monitor the Route Flap damping state of the NLRI. This table must contain an identical set of fields to the bgpNlriPrefixTable. All non-index fields must be in the same order in this table and the bgpNlriPrefixTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPeerOrAfm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether this route was learned from a BGP peer or an AFM.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPeerAfmIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of either the BGP peer or AFM this route was learned from. If bgpNlriPeerOrAfm is peer, this field is equivalent to a bgpPeerIndex. If bgpNlriPeerOrAfm is afm, this field is equivalent to a bgpRmAfmJoin.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the prefix for this NLRI.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The subsequent address family of the prefix for this NLRI.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrfx 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information field. The prefix length is specified by bgpNlriPrfxLen. Any bits beyond the length specified by bgpNlriPrfxLen are zeroed. This field contains the full line format BGP NLRI omitting any NLRI length field. For SAFI 128 the NLRI includes the MPLS label and Route Distinguisher as well as the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNlriPrfxLen 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Length in bits of the IP address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information field.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriBest 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An indication of whether or not this route was chosen as the best BGP4 route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriAsSize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether the bgpNlriASPathStr field contains two or four byte AS numbers.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriASPathStr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is a string depicting the autonomous system path to this network which was received from the peer which advertised it. If bgpRmEntAsSize is four-octet and the peer does not support four octet AS numbers this string represents the AS_PATH formed by combining the AS_PATH and AS4_PATH attributes as detailed in RFC 4893. Two-octet AS numbers appear as four-octet numbers by adding two bytes of zero padding. The format of the string is simply the AS_PATH attribute. It can be converted to a more readable format by the management agent.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpPathAttrOrigin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The ultimate origin of the path information.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address of the border router that should be used to access the destination network. This address is the nexthop address received in the UPDATE packet. The address family of this object will be the same as that of the prefix in this row. Note that for RFC 2545 style double nexthops, this object will always contain the global scope nexthop. bgpNlriLinkLocalNextHop will contain the linklocal scope nexthop, if it is present.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPathAttrMultiExitDisc 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This metric is used to discriminate between multiple exit points to an adjacent autonomous system.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrLocalPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The originating BGP4 speaker's degree of preference for an advertised route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrAtomicAggregate 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When this object is set to AMB_BGP_ATOMIC_AGGR_PRESENT, the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Path Attribute is present and indicates that the NLRI MUST NOT be made more specific.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrAggregatorAS 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrAggregatorAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IP address of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation. A value of 0000 indicates the absence of this attribute. Note propagation of AS of zero is illegal in the Internet.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrCalcLocalPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The degree of preference calculated by the receiving BGP4 speaker for an advertised route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrOrigId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Originator-ID identifying the router that initially advertised this destination to a Route Reflector. A value of indicates the absence of this attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrWeight 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local degree of preference assigned to this route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsConfig 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the bgpFlapConfigTable containing the configuration settings being applied to this route for damping.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsPenalty 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current penalty value of this route. If it is greater than the cutoff threshold the route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of times this route has flapped since statistics were last cleared.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsSupprsd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsTimeleft 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time left until this route is no longer suppressed. Only valid if the route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpFlapStatsCleardamp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is set to TRUE to clear all the damping information of this route, and unsupress it if it is suppressed. Specifically the following fields are cleared: - bgpFlapStatsPenalty - bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt - bgpFlapStatsSupprsd - bgpFlapStatsTimeleft. Reading the value of this field has no meaning.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapStatsClearstat 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is set to clear just the bgpFlapStatsFlapcnt field. This will not unsupress a suppressed route. Reading the value of this field has no meaning.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNlriEcmp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was installed into the Forwarding Table as an ECMP route (it may or may not be the best BGP4 route advertised to BGP peers).
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrAsPathLimAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AS number of the speaker that attached the AS_PATHLIMIT attribute. A value of 0 indicates the absence of this attribute. Note that propagation of AS of zero is illegal in the Internet.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrAsPathLimUpper 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The upper bound on the number of ASes in the AS_PATH associated with this route before the route will be filtered. Only valid if bgpPathAttrAsPathLimAs is non-zero.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpNlriIsActive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An indication of whether or not this route is installed in the forwarding table. If bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'false', then this is set to - 'active' if the route is installed in the forwarding table, or is a route redistributed from another routing protocol instance - 'inactive' otherwise. If bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'true', BGP does not track active routes. In this case, bgpNlriIsActive is set to 'notTracked'.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this BGP NLRI entry.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpNlriStale 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was last sent by the peer before BGP detected that the peer was restarting. If the route is not re-advertised by the peer before the restart completes, BGP will remove the route from its database. This flag is set to 'false' if the peer is not restarting, or if the route has been advertised by the peer since the restart.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriFlapStartTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of sysUpTime when this route first flapped. This field is only valid if bgpFlapStatsPenalty is non-zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriLinkLocalNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IPv6 link-local address of the border router that should be used to access the destination network. This object is only valid for a prefix with a received RFC 2545 style double nexthop.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPathAttrUnknownTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP-4 Path Attribute Unknown Table contains the per network path (NLRI) data on the path attributes advertised with a route but not known to the local BGP implementation or not otherwise capable of being returned from this agent. The absence of row data for a given index value for bgpPathAttrUnknownType indicates a lack of such unknown attribute information for the indicated network path. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PathAttrUnknownTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrUnknownEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about an unknown attribute provided with a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrUnknownType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The attribute type advertised with this unknown attribute by the peer. This is the one octet type code field and does not include the attribute flags. These are included in the bgpPathAttrUnknownValue field.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrUnknownValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Value of path attribute not understood by the base BGP-4 document. This will begin with the flags, code and length. Note that only unknown optional-transitive attributes are stored here. Optional non-transitive attributes are discarded as they do not need to be kept, while unknown attributes claiming to be well-known will result in a Notification. Octets beyond the maximum size, if any, are not recorded by this row object. This could lead to some truncation of the recorded attributes.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpPathAttrUnknownUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this path attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpPathAttrExtensions 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrNonCapExts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrCapExts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrRouteReflectionExts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrClusterTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP-4 Path Attribute Cluster Table contains the per network path (NLRI) data on the reflection path which a route has traversed. The absence of row data for a given network path indicates a lack of this attribute information for the indicated network path. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PathAttrClusterTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrClusterEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about a cluster traversal provided with a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrClusterIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An integral index for a row in this table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrClusterValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
A four octet long value representing a part of the reflection path that the route has passed. Each such four octet long value represents the ID of a cluster that the route has traversed. The sequence of this path as received in the route advertisement will be preserved in the sequence of bgpPathAttrClusterTable rows (and the bgpPathAttrClusterValue's in each row) as returned for a given network path, and the monotonically increasing sequence of bgpPathAttrClusterIndex values for that network path.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrClusterUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this path attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpPathAttrCommunityExts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrCommTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP-4 Path Attribute Community Table contains the per network path (NLRI) data on the community membership advertised with a route. The absence of row data for a given network path indicates a lack of this attribute information for the indicated network path. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PathAttrCommTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrCommEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about a community association provided with a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrCommIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An integer index for a row in this table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrCommValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
A value representing a community. There are certain 4-octet long values which could be returned in this columnar row data that carry additional semantics.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrCommUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this path attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpPathAttrExtCommunityExts 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpPathAttrExtCommTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP-4 Path Attribute Extended Community Table contains the per network path (NLRI) data on the extended community membership advertised with a route. The absence of row data for a given network path indicates a lack of this attribute information for the indicated network path. It is equivalent to the bgpM2PathAttrExtCommTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrExtCommEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about an extended community association provided with a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrExtCommIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An integer index for a row in this table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPathAttrExtCommValue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
A value representing an extended community. There are certain 8-octet long values which could be returned in this columnar row data that carry additional semantics.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpPathAttrExtCommUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this path attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpAdjRibOutTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The BGP Adj-RIB-Out Table contains the set of routes advertised to each peer.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAdjRibOutEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about a path to a network that has been advertised to a peer. The route has been explicitly advertised in an UPDATE message sent to the peer, unless bgpAdjRibOutLocalAggrType has the value suppressedAggregatedRoute(4), in which case the route has only been advertised as part of an aggregate route.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAdjRibOutAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the prefix for this Adj-RIB Out route.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAdjRibOutSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The subsequent address family of the prefix for this Adj-RIB Out route.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAdjRibOutPrfx 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information field for this Adj-RIB Out route. The prefix length is specified by bgpAdjRibOutPrfxLen. Any bits beyond the length specified by bgpAdjRibOutPrfxLen are zeroed. This field contains the full line format BGP NLRI omitting any NLRI length field. For SAFI 128 the NLRI includes the MPLS label and Route Distinguisher as well as the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpAdjRibOutPrfxLen 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Length in bits of the address prefix contained in the bgpAdjRibOutPrfx object.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAdjRibOutAdvertStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object indicates the current state of advertisement of the route to the peer. A value of advertised(1) indicates that the route has been advertised to the peer. A value of suppressed(2) indicates that the route is not currently advertised to the peer, but will be advertised when a minimum advertisement interval timer expires (either the bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval or bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertiseInterval). A value of pendingWithdrawal(3) indicates that the route is currently advertised to the peer, but will be withdrawn when the timer expires. A value of withdrawn(4) indicates that the route has been withdrawn from the peer, and this entry will be removed from the Adj-RIB-Out on the expiry of the timer.
Status: current Access: read-only
  INTEGER advertised(1), suppressed(2), pendingWithdrawal(3), withdrawn(4)  

bgpAdjRibOutLocalAggrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object indicates any aggregation processing that has been applied to this Adj-RIB-Out route. A value of noAggregation(1) indicates that this route does not aggregate any other routes, and is not aggregated by any route. A value of aggregateRoute(2) indicates that this route is a locally configured aggregating route, corresponding to an entry in the bgpAggregateTable. A value of unsuppAggregatedRoute(3) indicates that this route has been aggregated by a locally configured aggregate route and is not suppressed - the route is still explicitly advertised to the peer. A value of suppressedAggregatedRoute(4) indicates that this route has been aggregated by a locally configured aggregate route and is flagged such that it should not be advertised along with the aggregate route. Typically such routes are not installed on an Adj-RIB-Out. If however the aggregate route itself is not permitted to be added to the Adj-RIB-Out then suppressed routes are advertised if they themselves are permitted by policy.
Status: current Access: read-only
  INTEGER noAggregation(1), aggregateRoute(2), unsuppAggregatedRoute(3), suppressedAggregatedRoute(4)  

bgpAdjRibOutAsSize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether the bgpAdjRibOutASPathStr object contains two or four byte AS numbers.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutASPathStr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is a string containing the autonomous system path sent to this peer in the AS_PATH attribute for this Adj-RIB-Out route. If this path contains four-octet AS numbers and the peer does not support these a two-octet AS_PATH attribute and associated AS4_PATH attribute will be advertised to the peer instead as detailed in RFC 4893. However, this field will report the four-octet AS_PATH that would have been advertised to the peer if it had supported four-byte AS numbers. Two-octet AS numbers appear as four-octet numbers by adding two bytes of zero padding. The format of the string is simply the AS_PATH attribute. This can be converted to a more readable format by the management agent.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpAdjRibOutOrigin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The ultimate origin of the path information.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The next hop address transmitted in the UPDATE packet. The address family of this object is the same as that of bgpAdjRibOutPrfx. Note that for RFC 2545 style double nexthops, this object will always contain the global scope nexthop. bgpAdjRibOutLinkLocalNextHop will contain the linklocal scope nexthop, if it is present.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpAdjRibOutMultiExitDisc 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This metric is used to discriminate between multiple exit points to an adjacent autonomous system.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutLocalPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local preference for this Adj-RIB-Out route, as transmitted in the UPDATE message sent to the peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutAtomicAggregate 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When this object is set to atomicAggregatePresent, the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Path Attribute was included in the UPDATE sent to the peer for this Adj-RIB-Out route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutAggregatorAS 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutAggregatorAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IP address of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation. A value of indicates that this attribute was not included in the UPDATE message sent to the peer.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutOrigId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Originator-ID identifying the router that initially advertised this destination to a Route Reflector. A value of indicates the absence of this attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutAsLimAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If non-zero this is the number of the AS that attached the AS_PATHLIMIT attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutAsLimUpper 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The upper bound on the number of ASes in the AS_PATH attribute after which the route will be filtered. Only valid if bgpAdjRibOutAsLimAs is non-zero.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpAdjRibOutUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this BGP ARO entry.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpAdjRibOutEcmp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was installed into the Forwarding Table as an ECMP route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutStale 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was last sent by the peer before BGP detected that the peer was restarting. If the route is not re-advertised by the peer before the restart completes, BGP will remove the route from its database. This flag is set to 'false' if the peer is not restarting, or if the route has been advertised by the peer since the restart.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpAdjRibOutLinkLocalNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IPv6 link-local address sent in the UPDATE message. This object is only valid if an RFC 2545 style double nexthop was sent in the UPDATE.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpPib 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpRouteMapTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The table of DC-BGP Route Maps. If a particular match or set category does not apply to a route map then do not define the corresponding field in the MIB row.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRouteMapEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a filter consisting of Match and Set entries.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRouteMapIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpRouteMapEntry. This is the Index used by Neighbors to reference the Route Map. Route map indexes 0xFFnnnnnn, are reserved for representing ORFs advertised by peers with bgpPeerIdentifier nnnnnn.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 1..4278190079  

bgpRouteMapNumber 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpRouteMapEntry. This is a number used to reference more than one filter per route map index.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRouteMapRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete a Route Map.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI index to match the AFI type against. This value must be set if the bgpRouteMapSeNext field is defined. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapMaAfiDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaAfiDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapMaAfi should be used for matching.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI index to match the AFI type against. This value must be set if the bgpRouteMapSeNext field is defined. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapMaSafiDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaSafiDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapMaSafi should be used for matching.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Contains the regular expression to use when matching the AS-Path for a route. This is stored here in ASCII format. AS numbers are matched as decimal numbers. For example, the AS number '0x0123' should be represented in the regular expression string as '291'. The string is not NULL-terminated. A NULL string or a ma_as_exp_len value of zero indicates that the field is not in use.
Status: current Access: read-create
  DisplayString Size(0..127)  

bgpRouteMapMaComm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If not representing one or more ORF entries this contains the regular expression to use when matching elements of the community list for a route. If representing ORF entries then instead of a regular expression this contains a simple comma separated list of communities which are or-ed together when matching. In both cases this is stored here in ASCII format. Communities are matched using new-format decimal notation. For example, the community '0x00120101' should be represented in the string as '18:257'. The string is not NULL-terminated. A NULL string or a ma_comm_exp_len of zero indicates that the field is not in use.
Status: current Access: read-create
  DisplayString Size(0..127)  

bgpRouteMapMaExtComm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If not representing one or more ORF entries this contains the regular expression to use when matching elements of the extended community list for a route. If representing ORF entries then instead of a regular expression this contains a simple comma separated list of extended communities which are or-ed together when matching. In both cases this is stored here in ASCII format. Extended communities are matched as hexadecimal numbers. For example, the extended community '0x11223344556677' should be represented in the string as '0011223344556677' (leading zeroes are necessary to make the length up to 8 bytes). The string is not NULL-terminated. A NULL string or a match_ext_comm_exp_len value of zero indicates that the field is not in use.
Status: current Access: read-create
  DisplayString Size(0..127)  

bgpRouteMapMaAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not there is an IP Address prefix table to match the NLRI attribute against.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRouteMapMaNext 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not there is an IP Address prefix table to match the Next Hop attribute against.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRouteMapMaSource 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not there is an IP Address prefix table to match the source address against.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRouteMapMaMed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to match the Multiple Exit Descriminator attribute against. A value of 0 indicates a match on no MED or a MED of 0. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapMaMedDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaMedDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapMaMed should be used for matching.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaUser 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set to TRUE if the user exit for matching is to be called.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of times the local AS number is prepended to the AS path if there is a match. This is only relevant if the route map is being used for exporting routes, or for setting attributes for an aggregate route which does not have the AS_SET option set. This value is only used if the value of bgpRouteMapSeAsAct is AMB_BGP_PATH_SET or AMB_BGP_REM_MATCH_AND_SET.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Integer32 0..255  

bgpRouteMapSeAsAct 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeAs should be used for updating attributes. The possible action values are: AMB_BGP_PATH_NONE - Ignore bgpRouteMapSeAs and do nothing. AMB_BGP_PATH_SET - Prepend the local AS number the number of times specified by bgpRouteMapSeAs. AMB_BGP_PATH_REM_MATCH - Remove all AS numbers in the AS-Path matched by the regular expression in bgpRouteMapMaAs. AMB_BGP_PATH_REM_MATCH_AND_SET - Remove all AS numbers in the AS-Path matched by the regular expression in bgpRouteMapMaAs and prepend the local AS number the number of times specified by bgpRouteMapSeAs.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeComm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Contains the regular expression used when executing the action defined by bgpRouteMapSeCommAct. Allowed values depend on the value of bgpRouteMapSeCommAct - see the comment for bgpRouteMapSeCommAct.
Status: current Access: read-create
  DisplayString Size(0..127)  

bgpRouteMapSeCommAct 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The action to take on the community list if this route map matches the route. Note that if the action is AMB_BGP_SET_SPECIFIC or AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL_AND_SET, the field bgpRouteMapSeComm must only contain a string representation of a single specific community value, which will be added to the route. If the action is AMB_BGP_REMOVE_SPECIFIC, then the bgpRouteMapSeComm field must contain a regular expression string that matches the community (or communities) to be removed. The possible action values are: AMB_BGP_NONE - Ignore the value of bgpRouteMapSeComm and do nothing. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL - Ignore the value of bgpRouteMapSeComm and remove all communities from the route. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_SPECIFIC - Remove from the route all communities that match the regular expression in bgpRouteMapSeComm. AMB_BGP_SET_SPECIFIC - Append the community in bgpRouteMapSeComm to the communities list. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL_AND_SET - Remove all communities from the route and replace them with the community in bgpRouteMapSeComm.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeExtComm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Contains the regular expression used when executing the action defined by bgpRouteMapSeExtCommAct. This field may be ignored depending on the value of bgpRouteMapSeExtCommAct - see the comment for bgpRouteMapSeExtCommAct.
Status: current Access: read-create
  DisplayString Size(0..127)  

bgpRouteMapSeExtCommAct 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The action to take on the extended community list if this route map matches the route. Note that if the action is AMB_BGP_SET_SPECIFIC or AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL_AND_SET, the bgpRouteMapSeExtComm field should only contain a single specific extended community value, which will be added to the route. If the action is AMB_BGP_REMOVE_SPECIFIC, then the bgpRouteMapSeExtComm field must contain a regular expression string that matches the extended community (or communities) to be removed. The possible action values are: AMB_BGP_NONE - Ignore the value of bgpRouteMapSeExtComm and do nothing. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL - Ignore the value of bgpRouteMapSeExtComm and remove all extended communities from the route. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_SPECIFIC - Remove from the route all extended communities that match the regular expression in bgpRouteMapSeExtComm. AMB_BGP_SET_SPECIFIC - Append the extended community in bgpRouteMapSeExtComm to the extended communities list. AMB_BGP_REMOVE_ALL_AND_SET - Remove all extended communities from the route and replace them with the extended community in bgpRouteMapSeExtComm.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeLocPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to set the Local Pref to if there is a match. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapSeLocPrefDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeLocPrefDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeLocPref should be used for updating attributes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeMed 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to set the MED to if there is a match. A value of 0 indicates that the MED should be removed. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapSeMedDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeMedDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeMed should be used for updating attributes. This field must be set to FALSE if either bgpRouteMapSeMedDelta is non-zero or bgpRouteMapSeMedIgp is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeNext 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to set the Next Hop to if there is a match. Note that if this is set then the match AFI and SAFI fields (bgpRouteMapMaAfi, bgpRouteMapMaSafi) must also be set to ensure the right address type is being set. The value is a BGP next hop in line format, as encoded in a NEXT_HOP or MP_REACH_NLRI attribute with AFI/SAFI = bgpRouteMapMaAfi/bgpRouteMapMaSafi. Since a value of 0 is not allowed as a next hop, the default value implies this field is not defined.
Status: current Access: read-create
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpRouteMapSeOrigin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to set the Origin to if there is a match. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapSeOriginDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeOriginDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeOrigin should be used for updating attributes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeWeight 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to set the Weight to if there is a match. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapSeWeightDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeWeightDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeWeight should be used for updating attributes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeFlap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the flap config table to use if there is a match. Since an index of 0 is not allowed, the default value of 0 implies this field is not defined.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeUser 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set to TRUE if the user exit for Sets is to be called.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapHitcnt 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of times this row has been matched on.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRouteMapClearcnt 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Set to TRUE to clear the counter associated with this row. Reading the value of this field has no meaning.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapUserInfo 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
A byte array to allow the user to put in information. This information will be passed to user exits.
Status: current Access: read-create
  OCTET STRING Size(255)  

bgpRouteMapType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The type of route map entry. This is only relevant for policy filtering route maps. It indicates the action which should apply to a route which matches the route map entry. This field is ignored for route maps used for aggregation.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapContinue 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Field containing the number of the route map clause to continue processing at. This is only valid for route maps of type permit which are being used for policy filtering. If the route map matches, the set commands for the matching clause will be applied, and filtering will then continue from the route map clause specified in this field. If no continue clause is specified (value of 0), or the referenced route map clause does not exist, then processing for the given route will be complete. The continue field references the bgpRouteMapNumber field of the desired clause. In order to prevent processing loops, the continue clause must have a higher number than the current clause.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapOrfAssoc 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The type of association (if any) this route map has with the ORF protocol. If set to local then the filtering information contained within this route map will be advertised to peers that advertise the appropriate ORF support. If remote then this route map was created in response to ORF(s) received from a peer. Note that there can be a maximum of one local and one remote ORF Route Map per AFI/SAFI, per neighbor. Note that all fields contained within this Route Map are read-only if the value is remote.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeAsLimUpper 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If there is a match this will cause the AS_PATHLIMIT attribute to be added if it does not already exist. If it does exist then it will be replaced. In either case the specified limit and the local AS will be set. This can be used for traffic engineering purposes in association with a less specific prefix. A value of zero is permissible and restricts advertisement of locally generated routes to IBGP peers. However, an AS_PATHLIMIT with an upper bound value of 0 will not be externally visible. That is, it will not be included in UPDATEs. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapSeAsLimitDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpRouteMapSeAsLimDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapSeAsLimit should be used for updating attributes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaOrigin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value to match the Origin attribute against. This value is only used if bgpRouteMapMaOriginDef is TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapMaOriginDef 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the value in bgpRouteMapMaOrigin should be used for matching.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeMedDelta 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If there is a match this will cause the MED attribute to be incremented (or decremented) by the value specified. The direction of the value change is defined by bgpRouteMapSeMedDeltaType. The resulting MED value will not wrap, but will take a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 4294967295. This field is disabled by setting the value to zero. The field must be disabled if either bgpRouteMapSeMedDef or bgpRouteMapSeMedIgp is set to TRUE.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeMedDeltaTyp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether to increment or decrement the MED attribute by the value in bgpRouteMapSeMedDelta.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeMedIgp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If there is a match this will cause the MED attribute to be set to the IGP distance to the next hop. This field must be set to FALSE if either bgpRouteMapSeMedDef is set to TRUE or bgpRouteMapSeMedDelta is non-zero.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
To prepend AS numbers to the AS-Path, set bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount to the count of the AS numbers to prepend, set bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependSize to indicate whether the values are 2 or 4 octet AS numbers and fill in bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependAsVals with the AS numbers themselves. When exporting routes to EBGP, BGP applies the AS-prepend rule before prepending the local AS number as required by the BGP specification. This ensures that the local AS number is always the first AS number in the AS path in this case. This field can only be updated if the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependSize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The size of AS numbers in the field bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependAsVals to prepend to the AS path if there is a match. This field is only used if bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount is non-zero. This field can only be updated if the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependAsVals 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An array containing the AS numbers to prepend to the AS path if there is a match. The length of each AS number is given by bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependSize. This field is only used if bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount is non-zero. The count of AS numbers is given by bgpRouteMapSeAsPrependCount. This field can only be updated if the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpRouteMapMaAnd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates that the match statements in this route map should be logically ANDed with the match statements in the route map indicated by bgpRouteMapContinue. This field is only relevant for policy route maps. If the route map indicated by bgpRouteMapContinue is not found then the match will fail. All route maps in a series must have the same bgpRouteMapType. If this field is set then no set statements can be configured in the row. This field can only be updated if the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The table of DC-BGP IP Prefix Lists.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpIpPreEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents an IP Prefix.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpIpPreMatch 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpIpPreEntry. This decides what match command is used by the route map this list is tied to.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpIpPreNumber 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpIpPreEntry. This number is used to reference more than one filter per route map index.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpIpPreRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete a Prefix.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI of the address prefix. This MIB is intended for IP prefix matching, so AFI = IPv4 and IPv6 are supported but AFI = L2VPN is not supported.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI of the address prefix. This MIB is intended for IP prefix matching, so AFI/SAFI = l2VPN/VPLS is not supported.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Address part of the prefix. This is matched against the line format BGP NLRI omitting any NLRI length field and any leading MPLS labels. For SAFI 128 this includes the Route Distinguisher as well as the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix.
Status: current Access: read-create
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpIpPreLen 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Length (in bits) part of the prefix (as in the 16 in a 128.128/16 prefix). When attempting to match a prefix to this address, only the first len bits of the match prefix are checked. This allows for wildcard matching when combined with le and/or ge.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreGe 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The GE value of the prefix. GE and LE allow the range of the prefix length to be matched on to be varied. The range is assumed to be from ge-value to the address length of the family if only the ge attribute is specified, and from len to le-value if only the le attribute is specified. A specified ge-value and/or le-value must satisfy the following condition: len <= ge-value <= le-value <= address length of family.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreLe 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The LE value of the prefix. GE and LE allow the range of the prefix length to be matched on to be varied. The range is assumed to be from ge-value to the address length of the family if only the ge attribute is specified, and from len to le-value if only the le attribute is specified. A specified ge-value and/or le-value must satisfy the following condition: len <= ge-value <= le-value <= address length of family.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpIpPreType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The type of this prefix. This is only applicable if this prefix is linked to a route map with an ORF association and allows the entry to override the action of the route map. This field is ignored otherwise.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The table of peer groups.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a peer group.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpPeergrEntry. This is the index of the peer group.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete a peer group.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrConfig 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Policy Configuration Table this peer group uses for its policy setup. A value of zero indicates that the peer group is not associated with any config row.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrArea 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether this peer group is for iBGP, confederation eBGP, or eBGP peers. This field can only be changed when the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAggrConfedAS 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the neighbors in the peer group understand aggregated confederation AS_PATH information. If set to FALSE, no confederation AS_PATH information is included in aggregate AS_PATHs to any of the peers in the peer group. This field can only be changed when the row is not active.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This object is used in conjunction with bgpPeergrAfiSafiSoftResetStore to configure 'soft reset with stored routing information'. This option causes all routes learned from peers in the peer group to be stored so that the ARI can be recalculated (for example, due to a change in import policy) without performing a route refresh or restarting the peer session. When bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'false', BGP does not perform soft reset for any address family. When bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'true', BGP performs soft reset for those address families for which bgpPeergrAfiSafiSoftResetStore is 'true'. There is a significant occupancy impact associated with this option. IMPORTANT: Note that a change to this field does not affect peer sessions that are already underway. Restarting such sessions will cause the new value to take effect. Note that this option overlaps with route refresh (RR) and Outbound Route Filter (ORF) behavior: To clarify, when this option is enabled, the following also occur for sessions to peers associated with the peer group. - Routes are stored in this way, even if the peer advertizes support for RR or ORF. - Route refresh and ORF capabilities continue to be advertized (if configured). - A route refresh will never be sent to this peer, apart from one (containing no ORFs) at the start of the session if both peers support ORF. - ORFs are never sent to the peer. - DC-BGP still responds to RR requests from the peer (if it advertizes the RR capability). - DC-BGP still accepts ORF requests from the peer (if it advertizes the ORF capability).
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAllowLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of instances of the local AS identifier that may be contained in the route's AS-Path without rejecting the route. The AS-Path attribute of a BGP route contains the identifiers of the Autonomous Systems traversed by the route. When a route is received with an AS-Path containing the local AS identifier, it normally indicates a routing loop, and the default behavior is to reject the route. This object allows this behavior to be over-ridden. This is useful, for example, for VPN routes, where routes from one CE router are advertised to other CE routers through a provider's BGP network. Two CE routers in the same AS can enable this feature to prevent routes from the other CE from being discarded. When bgpPeergrAllowLocalAs is set to a non-zero value, that value is used for all address families, and the value of bgpPeergrAfiSafiAllowLocalAs is ignored. Alternatively, the value may be configured independently for each address family. To do this, set bgpPeergrAllowLocalAs to 0 and set the value of bgpPeergrAfiSafiAllowLocalAs for each address family. Changing the value of this object while the peer is active triggers BGP to refresh its routes from the peer.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeergrDisableSenderLoopDetect 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is used in conjunction with bgpPeergrAfiSafiDisSndLpDetect to indicate whether BGP should disable sender-side loop detection when sending routes to the peer. By default, BGP performs sender side loop detection. That is, it will not advertise a route to a peer if the AS-Path of the route already contains the peer's AS number. A peer would typically discard such routes, so this is normally a useful optimization. However, the peer may be configured to accept such routes (see bgpPeergrAllowLocalAs). In this case it is necessary to disable sender-side loop detection, by setting bgpPeergrDisableSndLpDetect to 'true'. Sender-side loop detection may be disabled independently for each address family. When bgpPeergrDisableSndLpDetect is set to 'true', set bgpPeergrAfiSafiDisSndLpDetect to 'true' or 'false' to disable or enable sender-side loop detection for each address family. If the value is changed while the peer session is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the peer group has next hop self configured. Address family specific configuration of this option is provided by the field bgpPeergrAfiSafiNxtHopSlf. When bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf is 'false', BGP does not perform next-hop-self for any address family. When bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf is 'true', BGP performs next-hop-self for those address families for which bgpPeergrAfiSafiNxtHopSlf is 'true'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrThirdPtyNxtHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the local BGP speaker should advertise routes received from this peer group using third party next hop (this is optional behaviour described in the BGP specification). This field is only used when exporting routes to other EBGP peers, and when bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf is 'false'.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrNxtHopPeer 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not the local BGP speaker should override the use of third party next hop by an EBGP peer. If an EBGP peer speaker uses third party next hop, routes learnt from the peer may specify a next hop belonging to a router that the local BGP speaker does not peer with. If this field is set to 'true', then all data forwarded along a route learnt from an EBGP peer will be sent to the EBGP peer. The peer's address is put into the BGP next hop field when the route is advertised to IBGP peers. If set to 'false', then data is sent to the next hop specified by the peer. The field is only used when importing routes from EBGP.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrEnableAttributeDiscard 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value indicates whether or not the 'attribute discard' error handling mechanism is used for BGP UPDATE messages received from peers in this peer group. This mechanism applies when a BGP UPDATE message is received containig a malformed AGGREGATOR, AS4_AGGREGATOR, AS4_PATH or ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute. When set to 'false', the error handling mechanism defined in the original BGP specification is used, and the BGP session is reset. This can lead to session flapping and network instability, even though routing is not adversely affected by the presence of these malformed attributes. When set to 'true', the alternative error handling mechanism of 'attribute discard' is used, where the attribute is dropped and the rest of the BGP UPDATE message is processed as normal. Use of 'attribute discard' error handling is fixed at the start of a BGP session, so changes to this field take effect at the start of the next session.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The table of Policy Configuration.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpConfigEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a policy configuration.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpConfigIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpConfigEntry. This is the Index of the Policy Configuration.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpConfigRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete a Policy Configuration.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigRtgrimpe 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map Group this configuration uses for permitted route imports. The default value of 0 means no route map group is defined.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigRtgrimde 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map Group this configuration uses for denied route imports. The default value of 0 means no route map group is defined.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigRtgrexpe 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map Group this configuration uses for permitted route exports. The default value of 0 means no route map group is defined.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigRtgrexde 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map Group this configuration uses for denied route exports. The default value of 0 means no route map group is defined.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigDefImport 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether routes not covered by the two import route map groups are permitted or denied by default.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigDefExport 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether routes not covered by the two export route map groups are permitted or denied by default.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigNxtHopSlf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is now deprecated.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigRemove 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether private AS numbers are removed from the AS path before sending an update to this peer. This is only relevant for an eBGP peer.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigImportMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map this configuration uses for route imports. The default value of 0 means no route map is defined, and all routes will be imported.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigExportMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map this configuration uses for route exports. The default value of 0 means no route map is defined, and all routes will be exported.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigAdvertiseMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map to use as an advertise map. This is only applicable to conditional advertisement. In order for the policy configuration to be valid, both advertise_map and non_exist_map must be specified. Both of these maps must be of type AMB_BGP_PERMIT and at least specify an exact NLRI prefix match, although they may specify additional match fields. Routes matching the advertise map will only be advertised to neighbors or peer groups assigned this policy configuration if there are no routes in the LocRIB which match the non-exist map.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigNonExistMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map to use as a non-exist map. See the above comment for the bgpConfigAdvertiseMap field for a description of how this is used.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpConfigBlockCondAdv 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Flag to indicate whether the route(s) that match the advertise route-map are currently being blocked from advertisement.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpConfigThirdPtyNxtHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is now deprecated.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigNxtHopPeer 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is now deprecated.
Status: obsolete Access: read-create

bgpConfigCondAdvOn 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not Conditional Advertisement is enabled. Set this to AMB_FALSE before changing the conditional advertisement configuration, as certain intermediate configurations (eg. advertise map defined without non-exist map) are illegal. Set to AMB_TRUE when configuration is complete.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The table of Route Flap Damping configuration parameters.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpFlapConfigEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a set of configuration parameters used when damping a route. It is expected there will not be many entries in this table but no limit is put on this. Note that if a field is changed from using old parameters to new ones, the new parameters do not take effect those routes that were already damped using the old parameters. This will work itself out over time, and the operator has the option of undamping a damped route if they desire.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpFlapConfigIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpFlapConfigEntry. This is the Index used to reference this config setup from the route map.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpFlapConfigRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete a flap config set.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigCut 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The cutoff threshold expressed as a number of route withdrawals. Above this level, the route will be suppressed. This value must be greater than or equal to bgpFlapConfigReuse. The scale used is 100 times that used in RFC2439 so the suggested value is 125, not 1.25 as suggested in the RFC.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigReuse 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The reuse threshold expressed as a number of route withdrawals. Below this level the route will be reused. The scale used is 100 times that used in RFC2439 so the suggested value is 50, not 0.5 as suggested in the RFC.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigThold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The maximum time a route can be suppressed for (held). This value must be less than or equal to bgpRmEntFlapReusemax in the bgpRmEntTable.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigDecayok 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The decay half life of the stability figure while the route is still reachable (whether suppressed or not). This value must be less than bgpFlapConfigTmaxok.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigDecayng 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The decay half life of the stability figure while the route is not reachable (whether suppressed or not). If it is not defined or set to zero, no decay occurs if the route is unreachable. This value must be less than bgpFlapConfigTmaxng.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigTmaxok 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The decay memory limit. The maximum time any memory of a previous instability is retained given the route state is unchanged and reachable. This is generally used to determine array sizes.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpFlapConfigTmaxng 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The decay memory limit. The maximum time any memory of a previous instability is retained given the route state is unchanged and unreachable. This is generally used to determine array sizes. This value must be less than or equal to bgpRmEntFlapFreemax in the bgpRmEntTable.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggregateTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This table is used to control how DC-BGP aggregates addresses. Each entry in the table results in one aggregate address being created. This will result in an aggregate entry in the routing table when at least one more specific route matching the address specified is learnt. If the aggregate is marked as 'permanent', then an aggregate entry is created in the routing table even if no more specific matching routes are known. The options allow configuration as to whether the AS_PATH attribute keeps full information or not, and whether the more specfic route is also entered in the routing table (the summary only option). These options can also be chosen on a per route basis by matching on the advertise and suppress route maps. The attribute route map is used to set attributes of the aggregated route if required. It is possible to create overlapping entries in the table. This can result in routes that match more than one table entry. - If a route matches multiple aggregate addresses, then it is suppressed any of the matching aggregates would cause the route to be suppressed. - If a route matches the advertise map of an aggregate address, then it is not aggregated by that aggregate address. However, it may still be aggregated by other overlapping aggregate addresses.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAggregateEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a member of an aggregate address option set.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAggrAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI of the aggregating address.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAggrSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI of the aggregating address.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAggrPrefix 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpAggregateEntry. This is the prefix of the configured aggregating address.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpAggrPrefixLength 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of this bgpAggregateEntry. This is the length of the prefix (in bits) of the configured aggregating address.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpAggrRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Used to create and delete an aggregate address option set.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggrOptions 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Options applied to this set of aggregate addresses. Note with no options, more specific routes are installed in the routing table, but the AS_PATH will lose information as it will not contain AS-SETs. This is normally OK as it reduces route flap. Note that a route may be aggregated by multiple overlapping aggregate addresses. In this case, the route is suppressed if any of the matching aggregates would cause the route to be suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggrSuppressMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map used to suppress routes. The match clauses of this route map are used to selectively suppress more specific routes from being advertised. No route map should be defined here if a suppress option ('summary' or 'summaryAsSet') is configured in the bgpAggrOptions field.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggrAdvertiseMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map used to advertise routes. The match clauses of this route map are used to select routes which although they match the aggregate address, should not be aggregated.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggrAttributeMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the Route Map used to set aggregated routes attributes. The set clauses of this route map are used to set path attributes of the aggregated route.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpAggrPermanent 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If this field is set to TRUE, an aggregate entry is created in the routing table and advertised to peers even if no more-specific matching routes are known.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpOrfCapabilityTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
DC-BGP ORF Capability Table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpOrfCapabilityEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Entry containing information about support for an ORF defined by .
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpOrfCapabilityAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the address family with which this ORF is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpOrfCapabilitySafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the Subsequent Address Family Identifier with which this ORF is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpOrfCapabilityOrfType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates the type of this ORF.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpOrfCapabilityAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status for this ORF entry.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpOrfCapabilitySendReceive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether the sender is (a) willing to receive ORF entries from its peer, (b) would like to send ORF entries to its peer, or (c) both.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
DC-BGP Peer ORF Capability Table. This table allows a user to configure ORF on a per peer basis. Rows in this table cannot be created or destroyed manually. A table entry is created for each supported address family and ORF type when an entry in the bgpPeerTable is created. The entries are destroyed when the bgpPeerTable entry is destroyed.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Entry containing peer specific information about support for an ORF defined by .
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the address family with which this ORF is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerOrfCapabilitySafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the Subsequent Address Family Indentifier with which this ORF is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityOrfType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates the type of this ORF.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status for this ORF entry.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeerOrfCapabilitySendReceive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether the sender is (a) willing to receive ORF entries from its peer, (b) would like to send ORF entries to its peer, or (c) both. This field will be logical-ANDed with the bgpOrfCapabilitySendReceive field of the corresponding entry in the bgpOrfCapabilityTable if one exists. Only if a corresponding entry exists AND both entries indicate support will this be advertised to the peer.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAfiSafiTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Peer group configuration table. This table allows a user to configure peer group characteristics on a per AFI/SAFI basis. Rows in this table cannot be created or destroyed manually. A table entry for each supported address family is created automatically when an entry in the bgpPeergrTable is created. The entries are destroyed when the bgpPeergrTable entry is destroyed.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrAfiSafiEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Peer group configuration table entry.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrAfiSafiAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI index into the peer group table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrAfiSafiSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI index into the peer group table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpPeergrAfiSafiAllowLocalAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of instances of the local AS identifier that may be contained in the route's AS-Path without rejecting the route. The AS-Path attribute of a BGP route contains the identifiers of the Autonomous Systems traversed by the route. When a route is received with an AS-Path containing the local AS identifier, it normally indicates a routing loop, and the default behavior is to reject the route. This object allows this behavior to be over-ridden. This is useful, for example, for VPN routes, where routes from one CE router are advertised to other CE routers sites through a provider's BGP network. Two CE routers in the same AS can enable this feature to prevent routes from the other CE from being discarded. Changing the value of this object triggers BGP to refresh its routes from each active peer in the peer group.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpPeergrAfiSafiDisSndLpDetect 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the sender-side loop detection configuration provided by bgpPeergrDisableSenderLoopDetect. By default, BGP performs sender side loop detection. That is, it will not advertise a route to a peer if the AS-Path of the route already contains the peer's AS number. A peer would typically discard such routes, so this is normally a useful optimization. However, the peer may be configured to accept such routes (see bgpPeergrAfiSafiAllowLocalAs). In this case it is necessary to disable sender-side loop detection. When bgpPeergrDisableSenderLoopDetect is 'true', BGP disables sender-side loop detection for those address families for which bgpPeergrAfiSafiDisSndLpDetect is 'true'. When bgpPeergrDisableSenderLoopDetect is 'false', sender-side loop detection is not disable for any address families. If the value of this object is changed while a peer in the peer group is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAfiSafiNxtHopSlf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the next-hop-self configuration provided by bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf. When bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf is 'false', BGP does not perform next-hop-self for any address family. When bgpPeergrNxtHopSlf is 'true', BGP performs next-hop-self for those address families for which bgpPeergrAfiSafiNxtHopSlf is 'true'. If the value of this object is changed while a peer session is active, BGP will check for any routes that need to be advertised or withdrawn as a result of the change.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Indicates whether BGP should originate a default route to the peer group for this address family. BGP cannot originate default VPN routes and so bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeerAfiSafiSafi is 'mplsBgpVpn'. This is because there is no single default route for a VPN address family - there may be one for each VRF. If a default VPN route is required, it should should be redistributed from the corresponding VRF. This ensures that the default VPN route is advertised by BGP along with the associated label, route distinguisher and route targets. Similarly, BGP does not support the allocation of a label for a default route, and so bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeergrAfiSafiSafi is 'labeled'. Default routes are meaningless for L2VPN auto-discovery and signaling, so bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault cannot be set to 'true' if bgpPeergrAfiSafiAfi is 'l2vpn'. The origination of default routes may optionally be conditional based on policy. If this is required, then set bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap to specify a route map. If no route map is specified (bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap is zero), then default route origination is based solely on the setting of bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Configured policy for origination of default routes. The value of bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap is only examined if bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault is 'true'. It identifies a route map consisting of all rows in the bgpRouteMapTable with bgpRouteMapIndex set to bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefaultRtMap. The route map has two purposes. - The match clauses are used for conditional advertisement of the default route. A default route is only originated for an address family if bgpPeergrAfiSafiOrigDefault is 'true' and if there is at least one route in the loc-RIB matching the route map. - The set clauses of the route map determine the attributes of the originated default route. Note that route maps may consist of multiple bgpRouteMapTable entries. These bgpRouteMapTable entries can be configured to match a specific address family. Any such bgpRouteMapTable entry that does not match the address family for this bgpPeergrAfiSafiTable entry is ignored. These route maps should be configured as follows. - To restrict a route map to a particular AFI/SAFI, specify bgpRouteMapMaAfi and bgpRouteMapMaSafi. - Each route map should specify an IP prefix list to match on. This is not mandated by DC-BGP, but other types of matches may have a performance impact. - Each IP prefix match is assumed to be an exact match. In other words, DC-BGP treats each bgpIpPreTable entry as having bgpIpPreLe = bgpIpPreLen, and bgpIpPreGe = 0.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpPeergrAfiSafiSoftResetStore 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Gives finer control of the soft reset configuration provided by bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo. When bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'false', BGP does not perform soft reset for any address family. When bgpPeergrSoftResetWithStoredInfo is 'true', BGP performs soft reset for those address families for which bgpPeergrAfiSafiSoftResetStore is 'true'. Any update to this object will take effect on each peer the next time that the peer session reactivates.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNlriPrefixTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This table contains information about paths to destination networks received from all BGP4 peers. It provides the same information as the bgpNlriTable, but is ordered by route prefix. This table must contain an identical set of fields to the bgpNlriTable. All fields must be in the same order in this table and the bgpNlriTable.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Information about a path to a network.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixPeerOrAfm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether this route was learned from a BGP peer or an AFM.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixPeerAfmIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of either the BGP peer or AFM this route was learned from. If bgpNlriPrefixPeerOrAfm is peer, this field is equivalent to a bgpPeerIndex. If bgpNlriPrefixPeerOrAfm is afm, this field is equivalent to a bgpRmAfmJoin.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the prefix for this NLRI.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The subsequent address family of the prefix for this NLRI.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixPrfx 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information field. The prefix length is specified by bgpNlriPrefixPrfxLen. Any bits beyond the length specified by bgpNlriPrefixPrfxLen are zeroed. This field contains the full line format BGP NLRI omitting any NLRI length field. For SAFI 128 the NLRI includes the MPLS label and Route Distinguisher as well as the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNlriPrefixPrfxLen 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Length in bits of the IP address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information field.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNlriPrefixBest 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An indication of whether or not this route was chosen as the best BGP4 route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixAsSize 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether the bgpNlriPrefixASPathStr field contains two or four byte AS numbers.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixASPathStr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is a string depicting the autonomous system path to this network which was received from the peer which advertised it. If bgpRmEntAsSize is four-octet and the peer does not support four octet AS numbers this string represents the AS_PATH formed by combining the AS_PATH and AS4_PATH attributes as detailed in RFC 4893. Two-octet AS numbers appear as four-octet numbers by adding two bytes of zero padding. The format of the string is simply the AS_PATH attribute. It can be converted to a more readable format by the management agent.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(0..128)  

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrOrigin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The ultimate origin of the path information.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address of the border router that should be used to access the destination network. This address is the nexthop address received in the UPDATE packet. The address family of this object will be the same as that of the prefix in this row. Note that for RFC 2545 style double nexthops, this object will always contain the global scope nexthop. bgpNlriPrefixLinkLocalNextHop will contain the linklocal scope nexthop, if it is present.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrMultExtDisc 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This metric is used to discriminate between multiple exit points to an adjacent autonomous system.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrLocalPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The originating BGP4 speaker's degree of preference for an advertised route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAtomicAgg 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
When this object is set to AMB_BGP_ATOMIC_AGGR_PRESENT, the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE Path Attribute is present and indicates that the NLRI MUST NOT be made more specific.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAggAS 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAggAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IP address of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation. A value of 0000 indicates the absence of this attribute. Note propagation of AS of zero is illegal in the Internet.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrCalcLclPref 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The degree of preference calculated by the receiving BGP4 speaker for an advertised route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrOrigId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The Originator-ID identifying the router that initially advertised this destination to a Route Reflector. A value of indicates the absence of this attribute.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrWeight 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The local degree of preference assigned to this route.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsConfig 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index of the bgpFlapConfigTable containing the configuration settings being applied to this route for damping.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsPenalty 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current penalty value of this route. If it is greater than the cutoff threshold the route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsFlapcnt 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of times this route has flapped since statistics were last cleared.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsSupprsd 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsTimeleft 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The time left until this route is no longer suppressed. Only valid if the route is suppressed.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsCleardamp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is present to ensure that fields in the bgpNlriPrefixTable correspond to fields in the bgpNlriTable. It has no meaning when read.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStatsClearstat 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This field is present to ensure that fields in the bgpNlriPrefixTable correspond to fields in the bgpNlriTable. It has no meaning when read.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixEcmp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was installed into the Forwarding Table as an ECMP route (it may or may not be the best BGP4 route advertised to BGP peers).
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPathAttrAsPathLimAs 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AS number of the speaker that attached the AS_PATHLIMIT attribute. A value of 0 indicates the absence of this attribute. Note that propagation of AS of zero is illegal in the Internet.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixPthAttAsPthLimUpper 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The upper bound on the number of ASes in the AS_PATH associated with this route before the route will be filtered. Only valid if bgpPathAttrAsPathLimAs is non-zero.
Status: current Access: read-only
  Unsigned32 0..255  

bgpNlriPrefixIsActive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
An indication of whether or not this route is installed in the forwarding table. If bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'false', then this is set to - 'active' if the route is installed in the forwarding table, or is a route redistributed from another routing protocol instance - 'inactive' otherwise. If bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'true', BGP does not track active routes. In this case, bgpNlriIsActive is set to 'notTracked'.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this BGP NLRI prefix entry.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpNlriPrefixStale 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Whether or not this route was last sent by the peer before BGP detected that the peer was restarting. If the route is not re-advertised by the peer before the restart completes, BGP will remove the route from its database. This flag is set to 'false' if the peer is not restarting, or if the route has been advertised by the peer since the restart.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixFlapStartTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The value of sysUpTime when this route flapped. If RIB Manager is not tracking a penalty for this route, this field is set to zero.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNlriPrefixLinkLocalNextHop 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The IPv6 link-local address of the border router that should be used to access the destination network. This object is only valid for a prefix with a received RFC 2545 style double nexthop.
Status: current Access: read-only
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpHaf 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpRmAfmJoinTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry in this table represents a join to an AFM for which a RIB Manager entity is master.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfmJoinEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a join to an AFM for which a RIB Manager entity is master.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfmJoin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a join for which a RIB Manager entity is master.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfmRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The row status for this table entry, used to create and destroy table entries.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfmAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status of this table entry, used to activate and deactivate the join.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfmOperStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current operational status of this join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfmPartnerIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Index that identifies the slave entity for this join.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfmAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Address Family Identifier for this join. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfmSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Subsequent Address Family Identifier for this join. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfmJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the master join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfmRestartTime 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is the maximum time that DC-BGP will retain routes from this AFM following failure of this join. DC-BGP will delete all retained stale routes from this AFM once this time has passed. A value of 0 indicates that routes from this AFM will be discarded as soon as the join fails.
Status: current Access: read-create
  Unsigned32 0..3600  

bgpRmNmTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This table contains information on slave joins to Neighbor Manager entities. Each row in this table represents one slave join in a particular RIB Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmNmEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Represents a join to a Neighbor Manager for which the RIB Manager is slave.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmNmMasterIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Index of the master entity. This is the index received in the join registration info sent from the master to the slave on the join registration IPS.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmNmJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the slave join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNmMjTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry in this table represents a join for which a Neighbor Manager entity is master. This table always contains exactly three rows, one each for the joins from NM to RM, the IP Sockets Stub and the BFD stub. If NM is configured not to join to the BFD stub (bgpNmEntBfdEntityIndex is zero), then the row for the BFD join is still present, with bgpNmMjJoinStatus set to mjNotJoined.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmMjEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a join for which a Neighbor Manager entity is master.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmMjEntity 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a Neighbor Manager Entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmMjJoin 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a join for which a Neighbor Manager entity is master.
Status: current Access: not-accessible
  Unsigned32 1..3  

bgpNmMjJoinPartner 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the type of process acting as slave on this join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNmMjPartnerIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The index assigned to this join by NM. This index is used by FTI-specific handling code within System Manager to identify the entity index of a slave entity suitable to act as join partner.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNmMjJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the master join.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmArinhJoinTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This read-only table contains information on Active Route Interface slave joins used for querying next hops. Each row in this table represents one slave join in a particular RIB Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmArinhJoinEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Represents an ARI join for which the RIB Manager is slave.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmArinhAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the address family identifier with which this ARI join is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmArinhSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the subsequent address family identifier with which this ARI join is associated.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmArinhJoinStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The status of the ARI slave join for querying next hops.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmArinhEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the ARI provider entity.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNm 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpNmEntTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry in this table represents a Neighbor Manager entity. Fields in an entry cannot be changed while the admin status is up.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmEntEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a Neighbor Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the Neighbor Manager entity which should handle this listen socket.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmEntRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The row status for this Neighbor Manager Entity Table entry, used to create and destroy table entries.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmEntAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status of this Neighbor Manager entity, used to activate and deactivate NM.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmEntOperStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current operational status of this Neighbor Manager entity.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNmEntRmIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a RIB Manager entity to which the Neighbor Manager will join. This index is mapped to an RM entity index by FTI-Specific Handling code within System Manager. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmEntSckIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies the SCK stub entity to join with. This index is used in the join user data, to enable FTI-specific code within System Manager to select a suitable slave SCK stub entity. The status of the join is given by the row in the bgpNmMjTable with bgpNmMjJoinPartner equal to bgpComponentIpSockets. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmEntBfdEntityIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies a BFD stub entity to which the Neighbor Manager will join. A value of zero indicates that no BFD provider is available, or that NM should not join to any BFD provider. If a BFD join is requested (bfdNmEntBfdEntityIndex is set to a non-zero value), but the BFD join fails to activate, then NM will also fail to activate. This field can only be changed when the NM entity admin status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry in this table represents a listen socket in the Neighbor Manager entity.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmListenEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Each entry represents a listen socket.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmListenIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Identifies this listen socket since each NM instance can have more than one Listen socket configured.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpNmListenRowStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The row status for this Neighbor Manager Listen Table entry, used to create and destroy table entries.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status of this Listen entry, used to activate and deactivate the Listen socket.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenOperStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The current operational status of this Listen socket.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpNmListenAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address family of the address used to listen on. This determines the format of the bgpNmListenAddr field. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. Valid values are: AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV4 and AMB_INETWK_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The address used to listen on. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down. If set to a zero length address DC-BGP will listen on all addresses available to this NM instance. For a specific port you cannot listen on a specific address if you are already listening on all addresses. Similarly, for a specific port you cannot listen on all addresses if you are already listening on a specific address.
Status: current Access: read-create
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNmListenPort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The port used to listen on. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenAcceptAll 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This is set to TRUE if this socket will accept incoming connections from any peer. The recommended value is FALSE. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNmListenAddrScopeId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The scope ID of the bgpNmListenAddr. The scope ID is required if the address is an IPv6 link-local address. Otherwise, this field must be set to zero. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiTable 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Table of per- configuration information.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfiSafiEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Entry containing information about support for an .
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfiSafiAfi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The AFI index into the table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfiSafiSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The SAFI index into the table.
Status: current Access: not-accessible

bgpRmAfiSafiAdminStatus 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The administrative status for this . The IPv4 Unicast address family is always active (and therefore admin-up). The default for other address families is to be admin-down. This field can only be set while RM is admin down, and may only be moved to down if there are no route maps or aggregate addresses defined for this .
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiStateKept 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This value is used only if Graceful Restart procedures are supported (in other words if bgpRmEntRestartSupported is true). If set to true, then the Restart Capability generated after a local restart will indicate that forwarding state has been maintained for this address family over the restart. If set to false, then the forwarding state flag in the Restart Capability for this address family will be set to indicate that forwarding state has not been maintained. This field can only be set while RM is admin down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiAfmRequired 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If this flag is set, DC-BGP will require an active AFM join to be present before advertising NLRI of this to peers. This ensures that routes are not advertised to peers that are not known to the local forwarding table.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiLocRibBlocked 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This flag is set if the Loc-RIB for this is currently blocked, in which case DC-BGP will not advertise any routes of this to peers. A Loc-RIB is blocked either because RM is undergoing graceful restart, or because bgpRmAfiSafiAfmRequired is set to AMB_TRUE and there are no active AFM joins for this . A Loc-RIB is unblocked when graceful restart completes, or when an AFM join becomes active. This flag is only valid If both RM and this are active.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
If set to 'true', the best route will be advertised to peers, whether or not the route has been added to the forwarding table by the AFM. If set to 'false', then BGP will only advertise a route to peers if the route has been installed in the forwarding table, or if the route has been redistributed by the AFM from another routing protocol instance. It is the responsibility of the AFM to determine whether to only redistribute active routes to BGP. This option requires an AFM to be present, and so bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive may only be set to 'false' if bgpRmAfiSafiAfmRequired is set to 'true'. In addition, this option requires that an AFM be configured to inform BGP whenever a route from BGP is successfully installed in the forwarding table, or is removed from the forwarding table. This is achieved by configuring an AFM to redistribute routes from this instance of BGP back to this instance of BGP. Not all AFMs support this redistribution of routes. For such address families, an attempt to set bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive to 'false' will be rejected. This field can only be modified while RM is admin down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiUserData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
User data for this BGP AFI SAFI entry.
Status: current Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4)  

bgpRmAfiSafiIbgpPrefixes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of iBGP routes received for this .
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiEbgpPrefixes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of eBGP routes received for this .
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiRedistPrefixes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The total number of routes redistributed for this .
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are stored in an Adj-RIB-In.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesAccepted 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are installed in an Adj-RIB-In and are eligible to become active in the Loc-Rib.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesRejected 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are installed in an Adj-RIB-In and are NOT eligible to become active in the Loc-Rib.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiOutPrfxes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes for this that are installed in an Adj-RIB-Out. Note that this value is affected by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field since, if that field is set to TRUE, routes are removed from the Adj-RIB-Out to reduce occupancy.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiOutPrfxesAdvertised 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of advertised prefixes for this currently associated with any peer. This field is not affected by the bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros field. Note that even if bgpRmEntNonPersistentAros is FALSE the value of this field may differ from bgpPrfxOutPrfxes since that field includes recently withdrawn routes which are undergoing suppression procedures.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesActive 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and are active in the Loc-Rib. This field is set to zero if bgpRmAfiSafiAdvertiseInactive is set to 'true'.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapped 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and for which RIB Manager is tracking a route flap damping penalty.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapSuppr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are installed in the Adj-RIB-In and that are suppressed as a result of route flapping.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesFlapHistory 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are not currently in the Adj-RIB-In, but which have an associated route flap damping penalty.
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiDefaultImportRule 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The default behavior that BGP applies when it receives a route of this address family for which an import policy has not been configured.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpRmAfiSafiInPrfxesDeniedByPol 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of prefixes received for this that are stored, but failed import policy and so have not been installed in the Adj-RIB-In. Note that this count only applies to denied prefixes from peers for which 'soft reset with stored routing information' is enabled for this .
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiNumLocRibRoutes 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The number of routes installed in the Loc-RIB for this .
Status: current Access: read-only

bgpRmAfiSafiNextHopSafi 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Specifies the SAFI that will be used to resolve BGP next hops for routes with this . This may be set to none, unicast or multicast. If set to none, BGP next hops are resolved using the AFI/SAFI of the BGP next hop, subject to the QBDC_USER_EXTRACT_BGP_NEXT_HOP user exit. This field can only be modified while RM is admin down.
Status: current Access: read-create

bgpNotification 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpNotificationEntry 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpNotifPeerLocalAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerLocalAddrType used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotifPeerLocalAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerLocalAddr used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNotifPeerRemoteAddrType 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerRemoteAddrType used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotifPeerRemoteAddr 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerRemoteAddr used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify
  InetAddress Size(0..32)  

bgpNotifRmEntIndex 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpRmEntIndex used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotifPeerLocalPort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerLocalPort used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotifPeerRemotePort 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerRemotePort used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerLastFailureCause 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The cause of a Backwards Transition trap. If this is not a Backwards Transition trap this is set to zero.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotifPeerLocalAddrScopeId 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Version of bgpPeerLocalAddrScopeId used for notifications.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpBaseNotifications 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpTrapData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap in the following circumstances: - When a BGP peer's FSM enters the established state, if bgpPeerTrapEstab is set to 'true' for the peer - When a BGP peer's FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state, if bgpPeerTrapBackw is set to 'true' for the peer - When the local device changes Graceful Restart helper state for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapGrHelperState is set to 'true' for the peer - When the maximum numbers of prefixes is reached for an AFI/SAFI for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the peer and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the AFI/SAFI - When the prefix threshold is breached for an AFI/SAFI for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the peer and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the AFI/SAFI.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpEntTrapData 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. If bgpRmEntTrapOperState is set to 'true', DC-BGP will send a trap when the local device enters RM operational state 'up', 'down' or 'actFailed'.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerSessionEstablished 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap when a BGP peer's FSM enters the established state, if bgpPeerTrapEstab is set to 'true' for the peer.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerSessionBackward 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap when a BGP peer's FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state, if bgpPeerTrapBackw is set to 'true' for the peer.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerAfiSafiMaxPrefix 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap when the maximum numbers of prefixes is reached for an AFI/SAFI for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the peer and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the AFI/SAFI.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerAfiSafiPrefixThreshold 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap when the prefix threshold is breached for an AFI/SAFI for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the peer and bgpPeerAfiSafiTrapPrefix is set to 'true' for the AFI/SAFI.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpEntOperStatusChange 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. If bgpRmEntTrapOperState is set to 'true', DC-BGP will send a trap when the local device enters RM operational state 'up', 'down' or 'actFailed'.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpEntRestartHelperChange 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
Structure used to send trap data to the MIB Manager. DC-BGP will send a trap when the local device changes Graceful Restart helper state for a peer, if bgpPeerTrapGrHelperState is set to 'true' for the peer.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpConformance 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpCompliances 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpGroups 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.

bgpCompliance 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The compliance statement for entities which implement the DC-BGP mib.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmEntityGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the RIB Manager Entity table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmAfmJoinGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the RM AFM Join table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmNmGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the RM NM Join table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNmMjGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the NM Master Join table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNmEntGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Neighbor Manager Entity table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNmListenGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Neighbor Manager Listen table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Peer tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPathAttributesGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Nlri tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPolicyGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Policy tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmEntityOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the RIB Manager Entity table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmAfmJoinOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the AFM table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNmListenOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the Listen table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the Peer table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPathAttributesOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the path attributes tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPolicyOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the policy tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotificationsGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The notifications group is completely optional.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpObsoleteGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains obsolete objects.
Status: obsolete Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmAfiSafiGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the AFI SAFI tables.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmAfiSafiOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the AFI SAFI table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpAdjRibOutGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are read-only, and is completely optional.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpOrfCapabilityGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the ORF Capability table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpOrfCapabilityOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the ORF Capability table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerAfiSafiOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the peer AFI/SAFI table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeergrAfiSafiOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the peer group AFI/SAFI table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the Peer ORF Capability table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpPeerOrfCapabilityOptionalGrp 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the Peer ORF Capability table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpRmArinhJoinGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group is mandatory for all agent implementations. It contains mandatory, non-defaultable or read-only objects in the RM ARI Join table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNmEntOptionalGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
This group contains objects that are defaultable and can optionally be configured in the Neighbor Manager Entity table.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify

bgpNotificationObjectGroup 1.2.826.0.1.1578918.
The objects used to record notification parameters. This group is completely optional.
Status: current Access: accessible-for-notify